Chapter 5

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Neal's P.O.V.

I'm just sitting in my seat just smiling to myself about Joana actually say yes to going out with me. I still can't believe she would say yes. I mean, I knew she would say yes after a year of me asking her, because who can resist me? No one. But the fact that she did makes it even more perfect. This is just one more step to us being together. Finally, we can get out of here and start our lives together. There is something between us. She will see it at some point. It will take time and as you can see, I'm a very patient person.Everything will be perfect.

I wait for James to come to chemistry, but unfortunately, Dylan beat him to it. He is way too protective of Joana and has some strong feelings against us being together. I don't know what his problem is. 

When he enters the room furiously, he made direct eye contact with me and started walking in my direction. He had a pissy look on his face for some new reason. I don't even want to deal with him. So many good things are happening right now that I don't need him ruining it by saying that he wants me to leave my girl alone or whatever. She is my girl, why shouldn't I be with her.

"Hey! Neal!" Oh God, help me. "I saw you talking to my sister again, I told you to leave her alone!"

"Dude, it's not my fault if she talks back. Did you ever think that maybe she has feelings for me like I have for her?"

"No, she doesn't because she has told me all of the things you say to her and its creepy and has to stop." Awe, she talks about me. I knew she thought of me.

"First of all," I start and stand up to his level. He is only a little taller and has more muscle than me but that doesn't intimidate me. "what I tell her isn't creepy, it's the truth. I really like Joana and I want to be with her. Second, you won't have to worry about me saying all the things that you find "creepy" anymore."

He gave me a confused look. Clearly, he doesn't have the mental composite to understand what it was I was saying. "What the hell does that mean?"

So glad he asked. "I told her that if she went on a date with me Friday night, that I would stop asking her to go out with me." 

"What?!" It was really funny looking at his expression. I'll admit, it was a little hard trying to hold back a laugh. "What the hell is wrong with you? I told you to leave her alone and taking her out on a date is not at all what I meant! And she would never go out with you!"

"Well, she said yes, so…"

"You’re crazy!"

"You may think that I’m crazy, but it really did happen. Just ask Joana yourself."

"I swear to God I will tear you limb from limb before I even consider letting her go out with you!" He stated grabbing my shirt and yanking me a little in the air. I could kill him and he knows that. One punch in the face and I would be hitting him nonstop. I won’t do that though because Joana will find out and she will never go out with me after that. 

"She had the choice to say no, yet she said 'yes'. Maybe she wants to go out with me and you need to let go." I truthfully say in a calm tone. I could tell by the look on his stupid face and the silence that I got him..

He wouldn't have it, though. "You aren’t taking her anywhere, you creep! Do you understand me?" By this point, the entire class was looking at us, except the teacher, considering he has yet to come. I really didn't care though that they were watching, more people to side with me.        

Luckily, before this turned into anything else, James walked into the class just as the late bell was ringing. He came straight over to where Dylan and I were standing. "Guys, what’s going on?" he asked trying to be as calm as possible. He was always the rational one of the group.

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