Chapter 8

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Neal's P.O.V.

Words couldn't describe how beautiful Joana looked when I first saw her at her apartment. If she was beautiful before, then she is breathtaking now. She just looks so perfect; and she wasn't even trying. She is just naturally incredible. Any guy looking at her now would kill to have her in their arms. And luckily, I got her first. Also, I would kill one of those guys looking at her before they kill to have her. 

We make it out of the apartment building and get to my car. "Wow, nice car." She says with no particular tone in her voice.

"Thanks, babe." I tell her giving her a toothy grin, but she just looks at me. Probably nerves.

"Please don't call me that."

"Trust me, you'll get use to it soon enough."

"Doubt it." We'll see. I think smirking to myself.

We get up to the car and I, being the gentleman that I am, open the passenger door for her. She gets in. Just a small meek 'thanks' and puts on her seat belt. I close the door and lightly jog around the car and enter the driver's side. "You ready?"

"Ready for this to be over." That may have been rude of her, but I love her. I don't care. She'll learn to love me too. 


After an hour of driving with me trying to make small talk and listening to the radio, we arrived at the restaurant. It was a beautiful little restaurant that I loved going to with my parents when I was younger. The food is great and at a reasonable price, but for Joana, money is of no issue.

I find some parking right in front of it so we didn't have to walk very far. "We're here." I tell her. She looks out the window and I could have sworn I say a small smile form on her face. "Miss Joana," I start in a funny sounding voice getting her attention. "Tell me if I'm wrong, but I think I that a smile is forming on your face." 

"What? It is a cute little restaurant." 

"Well, should we go in to see just how cute it really is?"

"Sure." With that, I get out, get around the car, and open the door for my beautiful girl. She makes her way out of the car and we enter the restaurant.

As we enter, there is a light breeze that caused both of us to have shivers run down our spines; but that is what you would expect from a restaurant. The inside, as always, is beautiful. It was nice setting. The yellow of it was just calming. There were many people there already, but it wasn't overwhelming. I look down at Joana to see that she is a little uncomfortable here; like this is a place for really rich, snotty people. It was cute looking at her like this. I was hoping that at some point she would cling onto my arm, but she of course didn't.

"Don't worry, they're nobody important. You don't have to make an impression on them." She noticeably relaxed after hearing me.

The hostess came up to us asking for our reservation. I tell her a party of two Mr. Bryan. Immediately, she nods, taking two menus and leads us to a nice table in the corner. I specifically chose a table in the back because in case anyone we know comes here, I want to be out of sight and unnoticeable.

Joana sits right across me looking around the restaurant. "Tell me about yourself."I say just out of the blue. I already know everything about her, but it would be nice to hear it coming from her.


"I don't know. I just thought that if there is a chance that we only do this once-"

"A very big chance." She interrupted with a small giggle. I had no chose but to giggle back.

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