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from: baby jisung
im sleeping at chenle's house
and acorn's already catching some Zs
pleasseeee can he stay with us

to: baby jisung
anyth for u jisungieee
have fun my babies

from: baby jisung
we r not babies >:(
but thanks hyung u're the bestest
good night :D

to: baby jisung
wdym good night it's literally 8:30

from: baby jisung
we need our beauty sleep
played at the playground today
[1 image attached]

to: baby jisung
the cutest
good night babiessssss
seen 8:36pm

Jaemin pushed open the large wooden doors, shrugging off his coat and throwing it to his right before walking halfway up the stairs, collapsing onto the platform that connected the left and right sides of the staircase. He pushed his body further into the plush red carpet, rolling around a few times before finding his head under the small table that a flower vase sat on.

"Bad day?"

Jaemin jolted up, hitting his head on the wood of the small table.

"Fuck, ouch."

He had not gotten used to not being alone in the house and it most definitely did not help that Wonwoo sneaked around as quiet as a mouse. Jaemin scowled, though there was no malice intended behind the angry expression, moving his head down to get his head out from under the table. He laid back down on the carpeted floor, his arms and legs spreading out wide as if making carpet angels. Wonwoo placed the mug he was holding onto the small table before getting down to lay next to Jaemin, their heads side by side but with his feet facing the rest of the stairs that led to the second floor, Jaemin's facing the opposite direction.

"Jeno forgot it was our friendiversay and ditched me for your sister but on the bright side, I got a girl's number."

"You don't even text any of the girls back," Wonwoo pointed out, turning to face Jaemin who was still looking up at the high ceilings of his house.

"Still," Jaemin responded, though he had nothing to say after. He rolled over to his side, finally turning to face Wonwoo. His breath hitched when he saw just how close their faces were. Even with Wonwoo's face being upside down, he was still incredibly handsome, with a sculpted face, sharp nose and cat-like eyes that were enhanced by the pair of glasses that Jaemin noticed he only wore at home.

"Was it cold? Your cheeks are flushed,"

Jaemin coughed, his left hand immediately going up to his face to feel his cheeks.

"Don't be shy, you look cute." Wonwoo added with a wink and Jaemin thought it was impressive how quickly Wonwoo managed to fluster him. Pushing his embarrassment aside, he quickly looked up again to make eye contact with his housemate, pushing the glasses up Wonwoo's nose bridge before breathing out, "You're ugly,"

Jaemin saw Wonwoo's smile drop before a smirk replaced it and immediately sat up to run away but before he could stand up, he was being pulled back down by strong arms and soon a tickle fight commenced. Though these past couple of weeks had seen Jaemin and Jeno growing apart, Jaemin was glad that he'd found another close friend in Wonwoo. Wonwoo was easy to get along with, though he was quiet at first, and the more time they'd spent together, the more fun Jaemin found himself having. He thought he would've gotten sick of seeing Wonwoo all time time- in the mornings, in school and after school, but he had grown fond of the tall boy, especially after Wonwoo had joined the swimming team he was in. The weekends that Jeno spent with Naeun, Jaemin spent with Wonwoo and in those moments, though the numbing pain in his heart was still there, it was less evident.

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