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to: jaemjaemnajaemin
delivered 11:09 pm

I'm sorry I didn't tell you before leaving. I had so much fun with Naeun and I didn't want our time together to end so I offered to send her home.
delivered 11:09 pm

She's so pretty and smart and funny.
delivered 11:10 pm

You're a terrible friend. Why're you taking so long to reply?
delivered 11:10 pm

11:11! Make a wish.
delivered 11:11 pm

Jeno thought it was uncharacteristic for Jaemin not to reply to his messages within the minute he pressed send. Seeing that all his texts were delivered, there was no way Jaemin's phone had died. White dots clouded his vision as Jeno sat up too quickly after laying in bed for the last half hour. He slipped off his bed, before walking towards the large window to his left, seeing that the lights in his friend's home were all turned on.

'So he is home.'

Jeno's brows furrowed, highlighting his confusion as he glanced into his neighbour's empty room, wondering where he'd gone. To take a closer look, he stepped out of the window and onto the bridge that connected their rooms, the cool night air dancing across his cheeks. He walked closer to Jaemin's room and even pushed the window open slightly to take a look inside, only to be greeted by the 4 pink walls and the posters stuck on them, his friend no where to be seen. He shrugged and thought that his friend might be in the shower and walked back towards his room only stopping in his steps when he hears his friend's loud laughter - only, weirdly, this time, it came from underneath him.

Jaemin practically burst into tears laughing as his new friend screamed, running into the small garden right below his room, a white puppy hot on his trail. Wonwoo's long legs stretched wide as he, too, giggled, shuffling as he pretended to be afraid of the puppy that followed him closely behind. Acorn's small feet tapped against his thighs as he stood on his hind legs and Wonwoo sat on the grass cross-legged.

"Ah! You mighty beast! You've got me!"

Jaemin doubled over in laughter as Wonwoo continued playing with the dog, watching as Wonwoo laid on the grass with Acorn on top of him, licking all over his face. Acorn was sitting right in front of the large doors when Wonwoo and Jaemin arrived home, having just come home from the doggy day care centre he spent all of his afternoons at while Jaemin was at school. Jaemin had initially been worried Wonwoo would be afraid of dogs or allergic to them like Jeno is but he heaved a sigh of relief when Wonwoo basically squealed upon seeing the samoyed wagging his tail, immediately reaching down and offering his hand for the puppy to sniff, even giggling when he felt a tongue lick him all over.

Jeno stared down at the three, he, too, letting out a breath he didn't know he was holding when he saw his friend happy and smiling. He had been afraid Jaemin was ignoring him and had gotten angry at him for ditching. Jeno thinks he should have known Jaemin would be alright, seeing as Jaemin had always been understanding and was never one to get upset at Jeno.

The laughter died down eventually and it was now silent as Jeno laid in bed, hands under his head, gazing up at the glow-in-the-dark stars Jaemin had helped him stick on his ceiling when they were 12. Jeno's mind was now rid of all the guilt that he had felt on the drive home from Naeun's house, upon realising that he'd never texted Jaemin about coming home earlier. He thinks back to all the times Jaemin had been understanding, how Jaemin was always there through every stupid pubescent relationship he'd had. Jaemin had been there - sitting two rows back from where Jeno and his first girlfriend, Yeeun, were seated. Jeno had been so nervous, turning back to gaze at Jaemin who he'd find looking right back at him, that constant reassuring smile playing on his lips. Just seeing Jaemin's familar face made Jeno feel more at ease, finally having the courage to slip his hand into the girl's.

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