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Jaemin tugged on the long piece of yarn dangling into his room from the window. The jingling of bells could be heard even as he stood in his room.

"Hey loser it's time to get up."

To nobody's surprise, he got no response. A sigh pushed past his lips as he looked in the mirror once more, adjusting his maroon blazer that fit slightly loose on his body.

He pushed open his window, one leg after another going over the windowsill. Before leaving he leaned down into his room, picking up his end of the string of yarn and walked across the bridge before pushing open his sleeping friend's window and walking in.

Long eyelashes rested gently against high cheekbones and the sunlight pouring in through the window made him look that much better. In that moment, Jaemin decided he was grateful that the ring-the-bell method had stopped working when they turned 10, knowing it meant being able to see Lee Jeno like this.

After collecting his thoughts and the thousands of articles of clothing that littered the other male's floor, Jaemin sat on the bed in the centre of the room before immediately having the air knocked out of him when he was pulled into his friend's arms. Jeno was still fully asleep, his mouth slightly pushed apart as hot air fanned across Jaemin's face.

"Oppa, wake up," Jaemin finally said after clearing his throat, in the sweetest voice he could master. One second he was lying in the muscular arms of his friend and the next he was on the floor.

"What the fuck? Who are you? I thought you were Jaemin," Jeno shot straight up, eyes suddenly wide open.

"Ouch, that was harsh," Jaemin whined, small huffs of air after each word as he tried to compose himself and hold in his laughter. Jeno crawled to the side of his bed and peered over the edge, where he saw his friend laying while staring directly up at him.

"Good morning," Jeno smiled, his eyes crinkling into crescent moons.

"Morning, is that what it takes to wake you up? We've got an hour to get to school, please hurry."


"Okay Lee Jeno, you're so handsome. You know that right?"

"Are you complimenting me or scolding me?"

"Stop looking in the mirror! You look great. It was as if the school uniform was desgined just for you." Jaemin rushed out, frustrated as he watched his friend check himself out for the 5th time that morning.

"Look at our couple outfits! We're so cute!" Jeno giggled, turning to face his friend that sat on his bed.

"They're school uniforms Jeno, they're meant to look the same,"

"I know, but the pattern that lines our blazer is the same!"

Defeated, Jaemin stood up and walked up to Jeno, sliding his fingers between the latter's and holding their locked hands up.

"Ah yes, we're absolutely adorable. Do you know what else I think is adorable? Going on an ice cream date with you!"

"Oh! I love that idea, let's go after school!" Jeno exclaimed, jumping up and down with both his hands intertwined with Jaemin's. Jaemin followed suit, jumping up and down, both of them laughing and giggling before Jaemin stopped abruptly, a serious look on his face.

"But we can't go if we have to serve detention for being late on the first day. Let's go,"


"You guys do know that our school's hallways are 10 meters wide right?" Renjun sighed, pushing the strap of his book bag up his shoulder.

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