Late Night Talk Night

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A Few Days Later 

"Grayfia, it may be a bit late for me to bring this up, but do I really have to also come to tonight's thing?" Issei questioned, his voice tinged with uncertainty. He watched as Grayfia averted her gaze, adjusting her maid attire in front of the mirror.

Tonight marked another boys' night for Issei and some of the supernatural leaders, while the girls had their own gathering. Sirzechs would be hosting the event in Hell, and Issei found himself complaining about it, albeit without much reason.

A small smile played on Issei's lips as he approached Grayfia, noticing her awareness of his presence yet making no attempt to acknowledge him. After all, what good would it do her to stop him now?

Taking a couple of careful steps, he closed the distance between them, encircling his hands around her waist and pulling her gently towards him. Grayfia's face softened, a flicker of warmth in her expression.

In the reflection of the mirror, Issei admired Grayfia's flawless features, her lips forming an elegant angle. While he used the mirror to study her face, Grayfia continued with her tasks, seemingly at ease in the intimate atmosphere they shared.

A playful tone laced Issei's words as he prodded, "Aren't you going to say anything?"

Grayfia's reddish eyes met his, their intensity captivating him. Her response was composed yet alluring. "Well, yes. I fail to see why you're complaining. You seemed to enjoy yourself last time, didn't you?"

A hint of contemplation crossed Issei's face before he admitted, ". . . I did."

"Good. Then, my dear, follow suit from last time and have some fun," Grayfia suggested, her voice gentle and encouraging.

Last Time

As Sirzechs, Azazel, and Zeus engaged in their lively conversation about their preferences, Issei and Michael exchanged glances, both feeling a mix of awkwardness and disappointment. They whispered to each other, their voices hushed but filled with amusement and disbelief.

Issei leaned toward Michael, his eyes widened. "Can you believe they're having this conversation in the middle of a friendly meeting? They're incorrigible!"

Michael stifled a chuckle, nodding in agreement. "It's certainly... unexpected. I expected them to discuss more important matters, not their personal preferences."

Meanwhile, the trio continued their animated exchange, each defending their own preferences with fervor.

Sirzechs, with a mischievous smile, leaned back in his chair. "Well, gentlemen, I must say, I've always had a fondness for a woman's eyes. There's something captivating about the way they express emotions and reveal the depths of their souls."

Azazel raised an eyebrow, a playful grin on his face. "Eyes, huh? Interesting choice. Personally, I find a woman's smile to be the most enchanting. It can light up a room and convey warmth and joy."

Zeus chuckled heartily, leaning forward. "Well, my friends, while both eyes and smiles are delightful, I have to say that a woman's curves hold a special place in my heart. There's nothing quite like appreciating the feminine form in all its glory."

Issei couldn't help but shake his head in disbelief. He leaned closer to Michael again. "Did you hear that? These guys are incorrigible!"

Michael, trying to stifle his laughter, whispered back, "Indeed, Issei. Their minds seem to be perpetually occupied with such matters."

Feeling a mix of amusement and curiosity, Issei cleared his throat and spoke up, his voice carrying a hint of playfulness.

"Well, as intriguing as this conversation is, I believe there's more to appreciate in a woman than just one specific aspect. It's the entirety of her being, the way she carries herself, her kindness, and her inner strength."

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