Jerks and Surprises

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Issei was by heart a man of honor and always believed in the meaning of a fair fight. And it was as he had grown stronger in his lifetime that he would never challenge those weaker to him in a bout simply to shame them for their skill.

He would search for the fights in which he was the apparent underdog, the fights that would kick in his fight or flight response, the fights that forced him to weigh each and every move he made.

Those fights. . .those he would relish. . .the ones that got his blood flowing faster than anything else. After all, what better way to force yourself over a limit if not when you are getting the shit beaten out of you?

That and. . .neither Ddraiq nor Issei liked loosing. . .

Though going back to the upcoming fight it was easily apparent that he had the upper hand. Just by being the dragon that he was he knew that in terms of speed and sheer power he had them absolutely beat.

Then again, even without any of that he was quite certain that he had the martial ability to best them and many others that were times stronger that them.

And so he simply smiled back at them as the guy that had held him up against the wall threw a punch aiming for his head and ultimately hitting the wall behind Issei.

"You scared cause you better be!" One shouted, without ever following up that statement with either a move or another silly statement. Issei continued to smile seeing his chance readily approaching.

"Okay. . .i have a house to clean and my own mouth to feed and so i am gonna end our little kerfuffle here"

With one swift move Issei now had the hand that "held" him in place in his own. The delinquent hadn't even had time to react to the move though winced from the pain and looking up and into Issei's eyes he felt a shiver run down his spine.

Issei held the delinquent's hand in place while delivering three shift strikes, two at his belly and one just bellow his chest.

The guy fell down immediately gasping for air and gripping his shirt ever so tightly. Seeing him roll around on the ground in such pain made Issei feel just a tad bit bad about it, it was like beating up a sack of potatoes. . .only it hurt less than that.

To clear his mind, he dashed at another delinquent who had a wooden sword which in the end did him no good. With one horrible swing having already missed Issei by a mile he found himself with no sword to hold as it fell to the ground having simply been grabbed by our brunet.

"You little rat!"

Issei dodged the delinquent's punches that were unsurprisingly slow and just after ducking to avoid a jab, landed one of his own right on the guy's liver. As the guy folded Issei saw the chance to strike again and used his left for an uppercut that rocked the already falling man.

The delinquent fell to the floor and Issei picked up the wooden sword only to break it in half a second later.

Kind of a shame honestly. . .it seemed well made.

"You guys . . . I already have two on you down on the floor . . . don't make me make it five"

Issei stated, looking back at the three that remained standing. Stepping over their buddies he cracked his neck and later his fingers. He felt the dragon in him roar awake and his eyes shone in fire red.

Orbs became slits for just a second as he released the hold he had over his draconian power just to force it back down once more. Every being in the surrounding area had sensed this surge of power and those with less than four wings had lost all strength to stand.

With everything back and under his control he looked at who remained. Two of them looked well-built and then there was the one that stood out, a fat yet quite tall delinquent with black hair who simply stood back.

Issei The Greatest Red Dragon Emperor (Lemons)Where stories live. Discover now