Stay by my Side - Chapter Seven

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"No way, girl! You really got to go in Adrien's car?" Alya fangirled with Marinette.

"Yes! I mean I was semi-conscious and had just knocked my head against the stone, but yes! Ahh! Alya I got to sit next to Adrien, and I went to his house and-"

"Marineeeette!" Marinette's forehead furrowed in irritation, as Lila squealed her name and ran forward towards her.

"... hi Lila. What's the matter?" Marinette asked.

"I need to talk to you, come on Marinette!" Lila said, grasping her arm and dragging Marinette towards the girl's bathroom. Marinette glanced to Alya for some help, but Alya simply waved as Marinette was dragged away, shouting that if class started before they returned, she'd take some notes down for her.

"Okay, we're alone, what do you want, Lila?" Marinette said as they entered the bathroom, ripping her arm away.

Lila sighed, turning on her fake water works, and raising her hands to her face. "Y... You see..."

Oh here we go...

"Mr Agreste, Adrien's father, he's very strict on who Adrien can spend time with. Because of my mother's connections, he approves of my friendship with him, but you, well... not exactly. I'm so sorry to be the one to tell you this, but Adrien didn't want to hurt your feelings. Mr Agreste got incredibly upset when he found out you got in Adrien's car with him! And he... took it out on his son. Please, please don't see Adrien anymore."

Marinette took a deep breath in. Lila was clearly lying, but the vague idea that Adrien was being abused at home set her on edge. Maybe she should stop seeing him, just to be safe...?

No! Marinette shook her head, as she tried to readjust herself. Lila was lying, Adrien was fine. Fine! Lila was the one who had to be confronted.

"Lila." Marinette said, a sweet smile on her face. "Do you know I'd created designs for Mr Agreste, that Adrien Agreste has modelled? Do you know that I've designed posters, CD covers and glasses for Jagged Stone? I think aside from Chloe, I have more connections than anyone in the school - so my presence should be fairly accepted around the man. My designs have even been complimented by Audrey Bourgeois."

She took a step closer to Lila, and Lila backed up into a wall, suddenly afraid. She thought Marinette was a simple baker's girl, not some weirdly famous designer! Marinette was more powerful than she thought.

"So if it's between me, a girl with connections all around the industry, and you, a stone-faced liar, I think the choice is pretty clear, what do you think LIE-LA?" Marinette said, finally having enough of Lila.

Lila gasped. "I - I'm not a liar!"

"Tell that to Ladybug." Marinette retorted. "I'm actually close friends with her, and I know for a fact you've been awful to her." Marinette sighed, not really wanting all this drama, but realising she was already stuck in it. "Look, I don't want to argue with you. I'm more than happy for us to be friends - as long as you stop your lying."

Lila scoffed. "Yeah, sure. Here's my counteroffer." She walked forwards, and Marinette scampered back, until she hit the wall. Lila slapped the cold tile next to Marinette's head with her hand, and Marinette could do nothing but shake in fear. To make sure Marinette didn't move, Lila grasped Marinette's arm tightly with her other hand.

Marinette's eyes widened. Maybe she went too far with Lila earlier. Maybe she pushed Lila too hard... She only meant to make amends with Lila, show that what Lila had done was wrong, and give her the opportunity to improve!


"I'm going to make your life hell. You're going to regret crossing me." Lila whispered, before releasing Marinette, and turning so her back was facing her. "In the end, I'm going to be the one with the life you always wished for yourself."

"L... Lila?" Marinette whispered so quietly not even the air could hear her, as Lila walked out of the bathroom. As soon as the door shut, Marinette's knees buckled, and she collapsed on the floor, in shock.

"Tikki... Tikki..." Marinette muttered, struggling to come to terms with what had just happened. "I... I stood up for myself. Heroes stand up for themselves, r-right? I told her I knew she was lying but that we could be friends and... it didn't work..."

"Marinette, some people just have evil hearts. Some people just don't believe in forgiveness, or kindness, or love."

"But that's..." Marinette's voice trailed off, as her heart filled with pity for Lila. "People like that must wallow in misery. That's an awful life to live."

"Yes, but they find joy in making other people's lives worse. Be careful Marinette - Lila is a real threat to you."

"I know, Tikki, I know." Marinette sighed, slowly standing up.

She had no idea how bad it would get.

Hi everyone! New chapter is out!

Lila is finally getting around to be super duper mean! I wonder how things will play out...?

Also! I've started a new fanfiction - another Danganronpa/komahina one if that interests anyone (called Let me Love You).

I hope you guys enjoyed reading this chapter, and I'll see you all again soon, for the fallout of Lila's anger.

But for now...

Peachy out! 😊

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