Brushy Bois Away

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Finally. That trip was way too long. No Airline flies directly from where we live to Austrailia. Took way too damned long.
Good to get away, though. Especially because Gabriela went to see some family as well. Would have been so fucking bored.
"Finally. Got my shit, Sam."
"Alright, here we go. You ready, Eddie?"
"Yeah, Dawg. Kinda sucks that Gaege the Juicy-boi couldn't make it with us."
"Uh, bet. I couldn't show you this on flight, but, I brought a thing."
"Bro, if you hit me with a dildo, we will throw hands."
"No. Not that. Why would I bring out a fucking dildo after talking about Gaege. No, look, I have... friends in weird places. Basically, because of one particular friend, I have Gaege."
"Uh, in my backpack. There was a reason on why I kept it on me the whole time."
"Na, Bro, I saw what you got in there. You got your keys, some extra clothes, and a nintendo switch. I'm not blind."
"Did you see the green brush keychain?"
"Watch this."
Okay. I'm fucking watching, I guess.
Sam pulled out his set of keys and right there, waving at me, was a 3D version of the green brush we use in our videos.
"Uh... what is that, Dawg?"
"It's Gaege. I got a friend who makes potions and is experimenting in... spellcasting."
"Are you bullshitting me right now?"
"No. Look, watch this. Gaege, say something."
"What the fuck do you want me to say, Sam?"
"¡Ah! ¿Qué diablos está pasando agora mismo?"
"Fucking dammit, Gaege. You broke him."
"I'm a fuck-up in the game and a fuck-up in real life. It's a talent of mine, Sam."
"Take the pill."
"Fine. Taking the pill. The only drug I don't want to take."
This can't be real.
"We told Josh and Mullen that Juicy wasn't coming, Dude."
"I called them back later and told them otherwise."
"I'm glad you didn't clip your keys to your belt-loop, Dude. That'd be like a fanfic gone wrong for me."
"Cuz you'd be too damn small."
"Ha. Son of a bitch, Dawg. Caught me off guard with that one."
The brush character started shaking and then instantly grew into a Juicy-height Brush.
"Am I big enough now, Narrator?"
"Yeah, but I'm not paying five dollars for that."
"I could do it for free."
"Stop it. Too much."
Ha, I win. Fuck all of you."
"Uh... this thing is suddenly a lot more creepy, Dawg. Why is it still brushy-juicy?"
"Uh, you right, man. Alright, Gaege, it's potion time."
"Potion? ¿Qué?"
Is that a blue liquid in a bottle? How did that shit get passed security?
"I has so many questions, dude. What kind of friends do you have?"
"The weird kind. Drink it, Gaege."
"How much again?"
"Son of a bitch. If I could hit you and not kill you, I would."
"Fucking rude, Dude."
"Can you just take the potion, Gaege? You are freaking me out, Homie."
"Alright. Gimme the potion."
How is nobody looking at us? Even in United States this would get funny looks. And the U.S. is full of some crazy ass fools.
Juicy took a sip and not even five seconds later, brush-boy was gone and Gaege was standing there.
"Thanks for doing that, Sam."
"Yeah, yeah. Let's roll, y'all. I see Josh at the... back of the lot. You fucking asshat."
"I've been stuck like a rock in a hard place for more than ten hours, Sam. I need to stretch my legs."
"Touché, Gaege. Touché. Alright, let's start walking. Here's your shit, Gaege."
"Thanks, man."
"Why didn't you just fly with us? Like, get a ticket and sit in coach with us, Homie?"
"I couldn't afford it, but I didn't want to be the only fucking one on Discord. We are finally able to get passed the pandemic and I would fucking like looking out the window of a house in a different country."
"I'm surprised that you even finished that sentence."
"Is for horses, you idiot."
"Fuck you, Sam... wow, it's like we never fucking left VR, dudes."
"Yo, dudes, there's Josh. I told you to text him, Dawg. He's driving this way."
"You text him, Eddie?"
"Hell yeah, Sam. Look, I'm a pretty lazy mexican. I don't want to walk that far."
"Since when were you even remotely pretty, dude? You aren't even close to good looking."
"Shut up, Gaege, you American fuck."
"Aren't you an american?"
"Legally? Maybe. Nationality says Mexican, Dawg."
"I call shotgun."
"Get in the back, boys. I, Narrator, shall rule the front seat by the end of the trip."
"Get in the car, ya fucking cunts."
That's Josh for ya.
"I call behind Josh."
"Dammit. That leaves me behind Sam, Eddie. No leg room."
"I am, like... the tallest out of all of us, dawg. You and Sam are the same height. The only reason I don't take the front seat from Sam is because he was in the military and he could probably just throw me."
"I could do that. Enough, boys. Enough. Let's get moving."
"Fine. Let's get rolling."
Fucking finally. Now we just drive an hour to Josh's house, and we're good. Wait a second.
"Gaege, dawg, how you gonna get home?"
"I got the stuff for a second round, Eddie."
"What the fuck did I miss, boys?"
"I'll tell you later, Josh. What's on the agenda for the week?"
"Uh... Mully and I are gonna make you boys try fairy bread. Then we'll go from there."
Son of a bitch. I don't fucking want to. Being bored at home is suddenly sounding great.

*Author's note: The video included on top is from a channel they all made together. The description usually includes a link to each individual channel. Have fun. Also, my Spanish is shit. What you saw was translated from google.

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