Fairy Bread Bullsh*t

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"What kind of torture did you put this bread through, Josh?"
"What, Narrator? Mate, this is fairy bread."
"Taste like lightly sweetened chalk on dry wood, Josh."
"Fuck off, Juicy."
"Josh, I told you they wouldn't get it. They're fatass americans."
"I am American, bro, but I'm not fat. That would you, Mully."
"Aye. No. Get it right, Juicy. I'm husky."
"Come on, Mully. Not even I believe that."
"Josh! The fuck, mate?"
"Settle down, boys. Settle down. Let's reel in this video."
"Right, Narrator. Why don't you bring this video on home."
"What? But, Josh, I wanted to end the video."
"Too bad, Juicy. Narrator, take it away."
"Thank you, everyone, so much for watching-"
"Juicy could already do better."
"Why would you interrupt Narrator, Mully. You know how much he hates that, Dawg."
"And you don't have miles of ocean to protect yourself from me. I will end you, Mully."
"Come here!"
Wow. I've never seen Mully run. Kind of amusing.
"Alright, Juicy. Looks like you got your wish. You are up."
"Yes! Alright. Guys, thanks for watching. We'll see you in the next video. I'm Juicy, and ya know the boys. Joshdub, EddieVR, and the two who ran that way- oh my gosh Narrator just threw Mully in the pool, dudes."
Oh my gosh, I just watched that crap happen. I've been around Narrator and Eddie a lot. I've never seen him get mad enough to throw something.
Then again, Mully's always had the ability to cut off Narrator at the worst of times.
I was out there first, followed by Eddie and then Josh. Josh had the camera in hand and it was pointed at Mully.
"So, Mully, we learn our lesson about cutting off Narrator when he's speaking?"
"You better learn soon, Dawg. Narrator will be here all week. We don't leave until Monday."
"That's right, Mully-boy. We're here all week."
"I get it. I hate all of you, dudes."
"Right now? Probably. Later, not likely."
"Alright, gents. Mully, got any extra clothes?"
"No. I got no extra set of clothes, Josh. Why would I, mate?"
"Because ya fuck up enough. I knew one of ya's would end up getting thrown somewhere, didn't think it would be this soon. Or in my pool."
"Alright, fuck all of you."
"Take five, guys. Come on, Mully. I'll get ya a towel."
Ha, that was pretty funny.
"While we wait, what ideas y'all have for the week?"
"Dudes, I think we should all play VR together in the same room."
"I like that idea, Gaege. Record the in-room play for The Boys YouTube channel. Then use the in-game footage for our own channels. Sounds like a great idea. You rarely have those, Gaege."
"Right, Sam, but I do have them."
"But you don't have the connections, bro."
"What's that got to do with anything?"
"I don't either, Dawg. Yo, what else can that friend of yours do?"
"He won't make another Gabriela."
"But I just want to see what I can do with two."
"What the fuck, man. That's messed up. And most men can barely please the girls they already have. You on that boat?"
"Gaege, your about to be thrown into the pool. Cállate la boca."
"I'm just kidding, Eddie. Chill out."
"You two both need to chill out. Let's go and eat something."
"Depends. What do you have?"
"It's in my carry-on."
I didn't see anything while I was in his carry-on. His bag bottomless or something? Can his friend do that? That'd be kind of cool.
"Gaege, come on, Dawg."
We all threw our bags by the door when we got here. Sam's was on top of everything.
What he pulled out, though, was a container of fruity tums.
"I hope that Qué means what the fuck? What the fuck, Sam?"
"I swear, you guys, these aren't normal tums. It's dehydrated food. They look like regular tums so I could get them on the plane. Just add water. Here, Gaege. One giant fruit snack. Every time you take a bite, it's a different flavor."
Hmm? I see a small tum looking thing. This has to be a fucking prank. There's no way they could dehydrate food that much. This isn't a cartoon.
"That? That little disc thing is a big fruit snack."
"My friend, dude. Just add water. I said that already."
"Did your friend make the fruit snack too?"
"Yeah. What gave it away?"
"A different fruit flavor in every bite. Too good to be fucking true, dude. But I think your definition of giant and my definition of giant are completely different. That is smaller than a properly portioned cookie, dude."
"Just add a drop of water, Dawg. He's already said that."
"Watch me. His wife gave me a dropper for this."
"So literally a drop of water?"
"Yeah, Gaege... we can use faucet water. Probably shouldn't use pool water."
Alright, I guess we're doing this now. If Sam isn't lying I shouldn't be surprised. I met his friend... Bruce something or other. They apparently met in the military. I don't think Sam would have met him otherwise. His wife is a voodoo shaman. That is a couple you don't want to fuck with. I saw some of those spells. It can get dark.
Sam filled up a glass with water and then took a dropper out of the tums container.
"Put it on the counter. See any towels? This might get messy."
"I see a tea-towel, Dawg. Here."
"Thanks, man. Now watch the magic."
I'm watching.
True to his word, Sam added a drop of water and the small tablet vibrated on the counter for a few seconds then it instantly grew into a big grape shaped fruit snack. Sam had to use both hands to pick it up.
"Holy mother of all that is real. That thing is a monster."
"Ha, tame the beast, Gaege."
"I'll have to eat it before it eats me, dude, this thing's a monster."
"What else you got in there, Sam?"
"I got birthday cake, burgers, hotdogs. I have tacos, but the taco, I am kind of scared to hydrate because... the shell might not come back right."
"I'll take a burger, Dawg."
"You got it."
"What the fuck are you guys doing?"
Oh no, here we go.

*Author's note: I know that magic to this level is crazy, but I gotta add somethin, and a lot of my stories contain magic. It's so fun to write about.
Should I put the point-of-view right before the chapter starts? Let me know and I will go back and fix that.
One more thing. This story will slowly update. For various reasons.

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