Over the Top

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"So that was how many times last night?"
"A total of nine times. Twice they stopped in front of the house."
"Right. Once on my watch."
"And once on mine. Thanks for taking first watch, Reekid."
No problem. Glad I could. You were looking way tired."
"Yeah, Juicy has been helping me with it, but he had first watch the night before, and I haven't been asleep. Except that nap in the car."
"Yeah, so thanks."
"Yeah, mate. So it's just you and Juicy?"
"No, Eddie believes in what's going on, but he's got that family thing."
"But the call-"
"Was good news, but Eddie doesn't know just yet. And he's been kind of overwhelmed-
"Cuz he's been here instead of there, but he doesn't want to leave either."
"Right. Here, man. Breakfast."
"Mmm, hotcakes. Yes! Thanks, mate."
"Mhmm. Might want to finish your coffee before you eat your pancakes."
"Right. Don't want this bean water too bitter."
Hmm? I hear the shuffling of feet. Who's awake right now? I wasn't expecting anyone to be up until ten at the earliest.
It took a minute, but eventually the set of footsteps revealed itself to be Smashing. Smashing barely had his eyes open, he was even cradling his head.
"I fucking hate everything this morning."
"Here, Smashing. I found the pain medication."
"And we made some coffee... some fast juice, if you will."
"Ha ha. I got a fucking headache, mate. Feel like shit."
"And you only drank half a bottle."
"I'm a fucking lightweight when it comes to the heavy stuff. I don't drink whisky, Sam."
"Alright. Well, I'm making pancakes. Want some?"
"No. I just want some chips and coffee and I'm going back into the living room and laying under the cool breeze from the ceiling fan. Fuck off, all of you."
"Alright, then."
"Do you want the meds, Smash?"
"Yes please."
"Here. Four of 'em. No more for a few hours, don't need anyone overdosing on pills."
"Got it. Thanks, Reekids."
"You bet, mate."
Smashing sounds more broken than usual. He was not meant to play drinking games.
"I didn't think anyone would get that far into the bottle, not gonna lie."
"Really? I knew Mully would at least finish a bottle. Didn't think Eddie would."
"I wonder if I could have finished a bottle."
"I wouldn't recommend that."
"Eh, right. Don't need to end up like my dad."
"These hotcakes are amazing, Sam. Thanks for making 'em."
"Yeah, no problem."
Hmm? I hear another one stirring. Why is everyone getting up so early?
I could hear the rustling of covers and moments later, the slow sliding steps of a man experiencing a hangover.
Eddie walked in moments later, hair sticking up all over his head, crusted drool on his face, his eyes were blood shot red.
"Good morning, Eddie. Can I interest you in some pancakes?"
"Coffee, amigo. Por favor."
"Over there by the toaster."
"Fresh pot, mate."
"Gracias. To the both of you."
"We got news for you. Well, Sam more than me."
"Que? What is it?"
"Gabby called you."
"She did?"
"I took the call for you. The guys who hurt your sister turned themselves in."
"Que? Seriously?"
"Yeah, man. Cross my heart."
"What does que mean?"
"It means what in Spanish, Reekid. In any other language, I have no idea."
"I'm gonna call them. I'll be back."
"Wait. You don't want any medicine or or coffee, mate?"
"I'll get some after, Reekid. Thanks."
That sure made him feel better quickly. But, I guess I get it. When someone ya care about, girlfriend, family, or just a close friend, you'd push all of your own problems aside to check on their well being. Hell, if whoever is stalking all of us manages to get in and do whatever to us, I'd be fucking broken hearted if any of my friends got hurt.
"Yeah, Sam?"
"What would do if someone crazy broke in and tried to hurt you or your family."
"I don't really know. I would either, A: get my ol' man's gun and shoot him in the face, or, B: just ree at him, waking everyone up. Dad would come out to beat my ass and in the end, beat whoever tried to break in."
"I see."
"Are you good, mate?"
"Yeah. I like making my friends smile. Sometimes, their joy is enough to bring me joy. A lot of the time. I don't know what I would do if something happened to my friends and I could have stopped it."
"Look, we can do all we can do. Let's just hope that's enough."
"You and Gaege, ya both say the same thing. And it's true. I just want my all to be enough."
"Mmm, something smells fucking good!"
That was definitely Josh.
Josh walked into the room in a fresh pair a clothes and a beanie. His eyes weren't even bloodshot.
"Josh? Mate? You look right as fucking rain. How the hell is that possible."
"I ate a lot before we did the drinking thing, Reekid. And... a lot of training. It smells fucking awesome in here. What are you making, Sam?"
"Hell yeah. Can I have some?"
"Sure man. Help yourself."
"Woo! Thanks."
Hmm, wow. I am impressed.
"Sleep well, then, man?"
"Yeah, Sam. The usual sleep."
"Then you have to go to bed after a glass of this stuff a night at least."
"Yeah, mate, my old man did it. Kind just fell into habit with it. One a night ain't bad... a whole bottle and a half is bad."
As Josh sat down in the chair next Reekid, I heard running.
"Amigos! Amigos!"
"Huh? Morning Eddie? You seem to be in a good mood."
"Josh, wow, amigo, you... doesn't matter at the moment. Not only are those robbers in jail, but they didn't sell any of my things yet. We got it all back. The best part out of all this? My sister is being released from the hospital today!"
"That's great, man."
"Si, I am so fucking happy, dudes. Holy shit."
And he's crying. Hopefully nothing can kill his mood today.

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2022 ⏰

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