Full Proof

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"Narrator, it's time to cut off Juicy. He's going cross-eyed."
"Good eye, Reekid. Alright, Juicy. We got a glass of water with your name on it. Come over here. Josh?"
"Yeah, mate?"
"You get the next set of questions. Just five questions."
"Alright... bring it."
"Remember the rules. As long as you're looking alright, you're building. You only stop when it's question time or need more blocks. Now get ready. Some of these questions are weird."
"Let's go."
Geez. None of these guys are doing too hot. But, it's kind of impressive. Eddie and Mully are both on their second bottle of, what was it? Some kind of 140 proof? Or something. Fucking nuts. Juicy finished a whole bottle of it, though. More than I can do. Maybe.
"Last question. do you plan on putting a ring on your girl's hand?"
"And drink."
"He's starting to lean, Narrator."
"Shut up, reekid."
Oh wow. Josh's words are starting to slur.
"You gonna be good, Josh?"
"We'll find out, Narrator. I'll just put this block down on the tower... did I make it?"
"I'm good. I got this."
"I see. And empty bottle. Here is bottle number two."
"How have you three not thrown up yet?"
"This isn't the first time we done stupid things like this, Reekid."
"I know, Narrator, but still. All the videos you all did with drinking... you didn't even finish a bottle."
"Don't even try, reekid."
"But, Narrator, he-"
"Best let it go, Man. It doesn't really matter anyways."
"Mully, you're up."
Jeez, Josh is leaning so much. I'm surprised he's still able to stack blocks. Never mind, he just missed. Just pass out already, Josh. Dammit. Be the second to stop, please.
Wait a second. Gaege wasn't the first to drop out. He was the second. Smashing was out first. Wait a second.
"Hey, Narrator?"
"Yeah, Ree?"
"Uh, where did Smashing go?"
"He went to lay down."
"Good. At least one of us knows- oh shit, Eddie's going down, mate!"
"Oh fuck. Set the camera down and help me out with him?"
"Got it."
"Nobody else is allowed to pass out. Mully, Josh. Stay there."
"We'll see... it's spinning pretty badly right now out here."
"Don't be a pussy, Mully."
"Not fucking with this shit right now, Josh."
"We got ya, Eddie."
"Ya, mate. I think it's time to call this a tie, Narrator."
"Probably. Let's get Eddie on the other couch. After that, grab Juicy and help him get to the recliner, I'll grab Mully."
"Put him in the guest bed. It's across the hall from Josh's room."
"Yeah. We all agreed not to sleep in there because we didn't want there to be a fight-aw man. Poor Smashing passed out on the floor. We'll fix that after we get everyone inside."
As we got to the couch, I let go so Narrator could help Eddie sit, and I went back out to find Mully on the ground throwing up.
"Oh, mate. Not good. Sam, Mully blew chunks!"
"Of course he did."
He sounds so annoyed.
"Just... stay on the ground when you're done, Mully. Come on, Josh."
"Uh... yeah."
His words are slurred. These guys are gonna end up killing themselves. Fucking idiots.
"Where's Mully?"
"On the ground. Still throwing up. Want him to finish up before he comes inside."
"Ah. I'll sit out there with him."
"I'll get him to bed. Come on, Josh."
"You'rethebest... reekid... ugh."
"It'll be okay, man. You are gonna feel like shit in the morning, though."
"Just making sure."
With that said, I made my way to his room and as soon as he was close enough to his bed, I let him go and he fell onto it. Then I picked up his feet and shifted them until all of him was on the bed.
"Night, Josh."
Geez. I better fix Smashing, get him a pillow or something at least.
"What, Gaege."
"When did the world turn sideways?"
"About five minutes ago. Don't worry, mate. Everything will be fine tomorrow and the world will be right back to the way it's suppose to be... probably. Now get to sleep, ya cunt. See ya tomorrow."
I prefer dealing with this over my dad getting drunk. Less violence.
"Smashing, come on, mate. Up we go."
"Ugh... Everything felt... better when I was out, Reekid."
"We gotta move you to at least a blanket and pillow."
"Okay, mate. If... If you say so."
"If only others would listen to me like this."
"There would be less people alive in Austrailia."
"Haha, shut up."
Even when drunk, this guy's a jokester.
"Oh good, you got Smashing out of the way. Thanks, man."
"Sure thing, Sam. Need help with Mully?"
"Okay. Lay down right here, Smashing."
I helped him get down to the ground and he immediately laid down and passed out.
"I got the other side. Come on, Mully, let's get ya to bed."
"And then we end the video."
"Right. I left the camera going. It is a good thing you guys didn't decide to livestream this."
"Yup. Had to convince Mully it was a bad idea so we wouldn't."
"Nobody but him wanted too, right?"
"Shh... youguysaretooloud."
"Damn, Josh and Mully both have slurred words. Learned thing or just happened that way?"
"Probably a bit of both. People who get drunk together can pick on similar habits.. Come on."
Narrator opened the door to the spare bedroom and went in with Mully, I followed in last.
"Here we go, Mully. Sit down."
"More like fall onto the bed and we can adjust your feet."
"Or that."
"Okay... okaymate."
Mully shoved us away from him, immediately lost balance and fell on the bed. I adjusted him like I did Josh, Sam threw a blanket on him from this side pile of blankets, and then I left, Sam right behind me.
"To the back yard."
"Damn, Sam, I am so tired. Anything to drink here besides Alcohol and water?"
"Yeah, but we gotta end the video first."
"Here. Come in the shot, I'll hold the camera, selfie style."
"And we're back. Reekid, tell 'em what happened?"
"Everyone has passed the fuck out, Narrator."
"And even though we didn't drink, we probably both wanted to. At least I did."
"Can I have some?"
"No. I got something for the both of us while at the store with the boys."
"Sparkling juice. I bought us each our own. Over there next to the grill."
"Hmm? Oh hell yeah. I don't care what your age is, these things are always great."
"Hell yeah they are."
"We gotta go and take care of a bunch of drunks. In the mean time, you can do what, Narrator?"
"Right, check out the boys merch, our own personal channel merch, all of it."
"Like, comment, subscribe, all of that. And you all have a better night and morning than the cunts in that house right there."
"And wish us luck."
Good, it's over.
"Your parents do know that you are staying the night, right?"
"Yeah, mate."
"Good. So, you hungry?"
"I could eat."
"Good, let's get it."
Kind of glad they all drank their way passed the eat everything phase.
"I'm gonna get us McDonalds. Sound good, Ree?"
"Ah hell yeah, mate. Classic fast food. Let's go."

Author's Note: they did a brushy-boy in real life... I called it. I called it. This book started getting made before the real life video on the boys. I called it. Kind of... it was Mully, not Juicy. Still called it.

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