Sh*t Gets Real

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"Day two, get up lads. Ya's got five minutes before I get water from the pool and waterboard you."
"That's not how you waterboard, Dawg."
"I mean... Eddie's right."
"Not how I thought I would go... but I don't give a damn. Five more minutes."
"Sounds great to me too, Gaege."
"Same, Dawg."
"It's ten in the morning. Come on lads."
"That is too early, Josh. I never even get up until noon, dude."
Of course it is.
"Same. How the hell do you get up this early, Josh?"
"I drink Gamer Subs, Sam... and I got insomnia. What started my VR journey dude."
"Na. na na na, dude. You said you started YouTube just to get free pax tickets. Only worked once or twice, might I add."
"Shut it, Gaege. Fine. Mully won't be here until twelve anyways. I'm going outside."
I was gonna show 'em around Adelaide. There's a couple of places for everyone. My favorite bar for me and Mullen, the botanical park and garden for Gaege and Eddie, fucking weirdos, restaurants for Sam and Mully. Fat bastards.
"Son of fucking cunt. Why else am I up right now?"
Hmm. It something to do with one of the skits we were gonna do. I can't remember it. I already called Ree-Kid, I called Smashing... who else do I need to call?
"Son of a bitch. How did that happen?"
Sounds like Eddie. Better see what the fuck is happening.
"Is my sister alright?"
I went back into the living room to find Eddie digging through his bag, phone pressed against his ear, a set of jeans on already.
"I can't come back right now, amor... is she at the hospital right now? Do we know how she's doing?"
"Eddie? You good, mate?"
"In a minute, Dawg."
Oh damn.
"She is? Well, are you okay?... well that's good... know if they took anything?... I see... yeah... keep me posted... and if you don't stay at the hospital, please stay at your parents. I don't need another one of the people I love getting hurt... Gracias, mi amor."
Oh boy.
"Eddie, you're getting red in the face come outside for a moment with me. Come on."
"Right, Homes."
Didn't sound good. Poor bastard seems upset, yet angry.
"Close the door behind ya. Wanna punch a da?"
"No. I wanna kill el cabrón who broke into my home."
"Alright. So what happened?"
"Someone broke into my home, while my sister was there, because she was watching the house, they then beat her into unconsciousness, and then stole all of my computer systems. Sure, I'm upset about the systems, but I can eventually buy new ones. I can't buy another sister, Dawg."
"Right. Was it only one or were there multiple? You've talked about getting into fistfights with your sister before."
"We don't know 'cause my sister is still unconscious in the hospital, man. What am I gonna do?"
"Eddie. Go home, mate. This sounds pretty serious. Something you should probably be there for."
"It was a targeted thing. There were the signs. I should have paid attention to them. I'm such an idiot. But I can't go home. Not now."
"What about your family."
"Muchacho, you guys are part of my family too. Gabriela asked me if I was and I told her no, but to keep me posted. I've been talking about this for weeks. I think she was kind of relieved. But I might not be here all week."
"I get it, man. Well, that kind of changes the list of things we're gonna do."
"Yeah, mate. Ya said that there were a few places you wanted to see, but also a few things that you wanted to record or do with us. I wanted to do the green gang in real life one."
"Seriously, Dawg?"
"Yeah, man. I bought a bunch of green clothes for everyone, green bandana, shirts, hats, black shoes and I bought green tape for the end of them. Do you have any idea how hard it was for me to find clothes that wouldn't make Sam look like an oversized leprechaun? It was hard, and I don't think it will work in the end. I also bought some purple gang clothes. Smashing, Reekid, and myself will be purple gang. Smashing and I will also record everything."
"You've put a lot of effort into this."
"Even had a few squirt guns painted to look like real guns. Although I left the orange at the tip of the gun. Symbolizes a fake prop gun. I better inform the police as well. I gotta couple calls to make. I can do that closer to twelve, though. I wanted to show everyone around before we did anything else."
"Like what?"
"Not a whole lot. Restaurants, a few parks, a few gardens, my favorite bar. All of it."
"Alright, Dawg, I'm game. Imma get these other fools up and running. Be out in five."
"Uh okay, mate."
That attitude is something else. Goes from wanting to kill everything to sunshine and rainbows. Unless he's just masking that Shit. Kristy use to do that shit too.
Can't say I blame either of them for doing so.
"Uh, Josh?"
"Yeah, mate?"
"The others are already up."
Sure enough, as I followed Eddie inside I saw Gaege and Sam sitting down on one of the couches in my living room. Gaege was on his phone and Sam was lookin over his shoulder at something.
"Morning, guys. We decided to get up anyways. Hey, Eddie, I may not have magic friends or have family in the cartel, but I have connections. You need help figuring out who broke in, I know a guy."
"And my friends wife can help as well, man."
"You guys heard that?"
"We heard you on the phone. Sounded pretty bad."
"Yeah, Eddie. And we may not be direct family, and we understand if you need to go at any time. Right, Gaege?"
"Right, Josh."
"Right. Sam, I already tried to send him home. He said no, but he will if he get's the call to. Now I'm changing up the schedule for today. Today was just gonna be a calm, chill, day and we were gonna get back on recording tomorrow. But change of plans. I'll still show everyone as much as I can, but I'm moving Green Gang IRL to tonight. Alright with you boys?"
"Hell yeah, Josh. Let's go!"
"Love the enthusiasm, Gaege. Sam?"
"Sure. Let's do this. But Eddie, keep your volume on your phone at max. Don't want to miss any calls."
"Right, Sam."
"I got a few calls to make. You all gonna be good here while I do it?"
"Can I make some breakfast, Dawg. I'm fucking starving."
I should call the police first. Just to ensure that this won't come back and bite us in the ass.

*Author's note: I couldn't find Smashing's real name... if ya know it, Let me know.

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