Chapter 5 Nightmare's dream

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(in this Chapter I'm having my gacha club character's dark side go into Nightmare's dream and their name is Addison,enjoy) 

Nightmare's p.o.v

I was sleeping with Dream in bed and I wake up to be surround by pure white and I got up and I walked around and I heard someone behind me and I turned around to see no one and then I turned back around to the white turning into this kind of dark pink and I saw someone in front of me and they started to walk to me so I turned around and started running but it seemed liked I was running in circles and then the person who was chasing me was in front of me and I fell on my back and I looked up at the person and they laughed,"no need to be scared Nightmare",they said and how do they know my name and they handed me their hand,"the names Addison",they said and then the somewhat dark pink turned black and I looked at Addison and they pushed me and I fell but I didn't hit the ground so I looked around to see that I was falling and then I hit the ground and I looked up to see someone who looked like Addison but with some kind of dark purple yelling at them and they both looked at me and the person who looked like Addison walked to me and kneel in front of me,"are you ok,also my name is Madison and you meet my dark side,sorry if they hurt you",said Madison that was their name and the stood up and they gave me their hand and I took it and they helped me up and then Addison disappeared,"I need to warn you that someone named Blade they are dangerous and they will be watching your every move and they have a plan to destroy your world, careful for your next move and be free to tell the others in your Au because he won't go down without a fight and I'm working on how to get into your world to stop him because me and Addison are the only people who can stop them,it's time to wake up Nightmare",said Madison and then I woke up breathing heavily and I looked over to Dream who was still asleep and I sighed and got out of bed and heading for the kitchen to get a cup of coffee and I saw Error getting the coffee pot ready to make coffee,"good morning Error",I said with a tried voice and he turned around and said good morning back and motioned for me to sit down by him and I walked over to Error and sat down by,"Can I tell you something Error",I asked Error and he nodded and I told him about what I had dreamed and his eyes widen and he got up,"We should tell the others this when they wake up because this is a big thing",said Error and he made us both a cup of coffee 

When everyone else was awake

So we all ate breakfast and we all sat in the living room and Error told everyone what I told him because I was scared to say it and everyone asked when Madison the person who told was gonna come and I said I don't know and Dream got up from the couch he was sitting on and he hugged me and I hugged him back and everyone was worried when Madison gonna come because they don't want to lose their world

Blade's p.o.v(Blade is a sans I made up and he is from an AU called BladeTale)

I was watching the Jr and the meme squad from the shadows and the glitching one and the one with a crown that had a moon on it had told the others about me and Madison was trying to make her way to their Au and she and Addison are the only people who can defeat me so I decided show myself I made one of my eyes glow and the one who had Error's in one of their eyes noticed my glowing eye and told the other skeletons in the room and the one with wings was stilling holding the purple one and the glitching one went to the one with Error's in their eye and the two did the same and I walked out of the shadows and I summoned my shadow blades and my blades started to glow a tint of red and a tint of black and the winged one had summoned their own weapon it had been a big sword and I could sense good feelings coming off it and it made me a bit weak but I didn't show it 

I hope you enjoyed this and the last Chapter of this book will be where Madison and Addison will fight Blade,bye ^w^

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