Chapter 7 Madison?!

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(in this Chapter Madison has finally gotten to go to Dreamswap and Shadow is still in Dreamswap)

Madison's p.o.v

I was so focused on trying to get into  Dreamswap and then I had finally gotten to the code where I could go in so I grabbed what I need and I grabbed Addison and dragged her into the portal and we ended up in front of Dream's castle and we heard someone coming so we teleported to the bushes to see Blue and Error walk by and thank god the portal had closed before they came and they entered the castle and we teleported in the castle after Blue and Error were out of eye sight and hearing range we both sighed and he heard someone coming so we teleported on top of a bookcase and it was Shadow and Dreamswap Madison so we teleported in front of them and Shadow hugged me and I heard someone coming so I turned into my light shadow form which blended in with the surrounds and Addison disappeared the person that was coming was Nightmare and asked Shadow and my Au if they were ok and Shadow said yes and Nightmare walked away and I turned backed to normal and Addison came back and we continued to talk about how to get Blade to come to them

Nightmare's p.o.v

I heard Shadow and our Madison talking to someone and I walked over to them to see no one was there and I asked if they were ok and Shadow said yes and I walked away but I hid by the corner and I peaked around the corner to see Madison and Addison were the people that Shadow and our Madison were talking two so I turned around and I walked a little and then I started running to the other's and I told them what I saw and they all looked at each other and Dream walked to me and hugged me and I hugged him back and I looked up at him and he didn't look down at me and I felt him hug me like someone was there to hurt me and he closed his wings around me and I'm guessing he also summoned his sword and I heard a voice I've heard before and I peaked through Dream's wings to see Addison in front of her Madison and yelling at Blue who had attacked,"Dream those are the people who are here to help",I whispered to Dream who looked down at me and Dream told everyone else and Dream opened his wings and he let me walk to Madison and Addison and I started to talk to them and they told me that Blade is somewhere in the shadows and Addison can go in the shadows but she doesn't know her way around and I said I could help her go through the shadows of the castle and they nodded and Addison grabbed Nightmare by the arm and started to walk to a wall with a shadow on it and I closed my eyes but I didn't feel impact from the wall and I opened my eyes to see just pure black

To Be Continued.........................................

Sorry that this Chapter is not long like the others because I'm kinda tried and it's 11:27 p.m. where I live and I won't post a Chapter till tomorrow because I'll be more awake then I am now,anyways bye!

Unknowing love (a dreamswap dreammare story)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن