Chapter 16 This Au better not quite on me

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(this Chapter name was made/requested by someone on a discord sever I'm in)

Addison's p.o.v

I was chilling in mine and Madison's mind space and all of the sudden I feel our mind space shake and I opened a little in front of me and I see Madison on the ground with HorrorMoon,X-Cross, and Trap around her shaking her awake and I closed the portal and I teleported to them and I picked up Madison and I teleported back to the Au we both created and It was falling apart so I teleported to the core and I jumped in the core with Madison in my arms and I woke up in a white room on a bed and I looked over to my left and I see Madison in a bed like me and she was asleep and Sci walked in with Dawn and Dusk and Dawn saw I was awake and ran over to me and hugged me,"I'm glad your ok Addison",said Dawn and I hugged him back,"What happened",I asked and Sci was looking down at a clipboard and he looked back up at me,"well Dawn and Dusk found you guys at their tree and they also found you covered in this yellow glowing stuff and they knew you jumped into the core of your Au and they brought you here",said Sci and I sighed,"how long was I out for",I asked and Sci looked at me with a worried looked,"you were out for three months",said Sci and my eyes widen,"THREE MONTHS!!!!",I said and Sci nodded and I looked down,"no,no,no,no,I couldn't be out for three months,that means Blade already destroyed more of Dreamswap",I said and I tried to get out of the bed I was in but Sci stopped me,"you still need to recover",Sci said,"I can't.............I can't wait and watch Blade destroy another Au and I still haven't forgave myself the last I waited and watched Blade destroy a Au so I need to go",I said and Sci moved out of my way and I changed with my magic and I walked out of the room I was in.......................this Au better not quite on me now

To Be Continued...............................................

I hope you enjoyed this Chapter and sorry it's short I have things on my head and this title was helped by someone on discord and yes I have discord,I will have the link in the comments of this Chapter,anyways BYE!!!!!

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