Chapter 4:

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Author's Note:

Hello everybody, I’m not sure if you read my message I posted on my profile but ill summarize what I said on there if you haven’t seen it, I had something very stupid happen in my life like at home and I can now only access wattpad at school until they also block it. To everybody that wants to talk to me or just chill email me. My emails I will be updating here on wattpad during school hours as well as checking my wattpad messages in those times. I’m really sorry about all these difficulties. I hope you all understand and enjoy the new update!

Stay Strong <3 and Enjoy!



Alisha looked up at the sky, then down towards me and extends her hand helping me off the ground. I wiped off the dust on my jeans and slung my backpack over my shoulder. With a glimmer of hope that maybe, just maybe one day it’ll all get better. I wiped away my small tears as I walked alongside my first and new best friend, Alisha Allison. 

3 weeks had gone by since I gained a new friend in my life. It was weird always having someone hanging out with you and that cared about you. However, it was a very comforting feeling, knowing someone always had your back no matter what. Alisha and I had become much closer as each day went by. I threw my things into my backpack as I slung my shoulder over my shoulders. I made my way through the crowd of students hurriedly making their way to other classes and in my case lunch. I snaked my way through the flash mob, and eventually successfully made it out alive. I checked my phone to see I had 3 minutes till I had to be at the other end of the campus to meet up with Alisha. I rushed as fast as I could and made it to the Chipotle we had planned to meet up at.

“Hey Aly!”

I yell across the parking lot as Alisha just began to open the door to go in. she waved as I ran over.

“Made it! What’s up how was class?”

“Oh it was great! I’m hungry though, let’s get some Chipotle.”

We sat in our usual spot in the back where most people never sat with a nice view outside. I sat on the opposite side of her. I already knew what I wanted to order, so I had no need of opening the menu.

“Hello ladies. My name is Jacob and I will be waiting on you ladies today. What you would you like to order today?”

“A burrito bowl, please.”

I can never eat a burrito. They always tend to rip and break right when I pick one up.

“I would like a crispy taco.”

Our waiter left us alone. Alisha and I began our daily catch up talk.

“OMG Star, I saw James today, and DAMN his jacket! WOAH!”

James had been Alisha’s long time crush since the beginning of freshman year. He’s the team captain for the Duquesne Dukes hockey team. He was quite a handsome man with skilled hands and a fast skater. All the girls here at Duquesne worshiped him like a God, including Alisha.

“OMG Alisha, why don’t you just go up to him and say hi or at least tell him you like his jacket.”

“STAR! You know I can’t talk to him!”

“Well, you can’t just sit here and let other girls devour him.”

Girls threw themselves at James; only thing though was he could care less. He was immersed in his hockey career and university studies that he could care less about girls. I checked my phone to see it was time for class. We paid for our food and walked out of Chipotle.

“You have class with James next. Let me know all the details. Ok?”

“Yes mother will do.”

Alisha smacked me half-heartedly and laughed.

“I am not your mother. Now head on over child to class. Have fun!”


I turned around and parted ways. I began half running – half walking over to my health class. I put in my headphones and blare music through them to block out all the sounds. I sit down in the middle of the class like usual and pull out my textbook and MacBook for class. I hear a chair pull and feel the presence of someone sitting beside me. I turn my neck to see who it was.

“Hello, my names James, James Carleton. I don’t know if you know me but, I am the captain of the Duquesne Dukes hockey team.”

He held out his hand.

“Hey, my names Scarlet Jones. I’m just a student here at Duquesne.”

I accepted his handshake, and shook his hand.

“It’s nice meeting you here. I see that you are quite a big Pittsburgh Penguins fan.”

“Oh, yes. I sure am. There like my kids to me.” I laugh along.

“Attention students! Class is about to begin. Good afternoon everybody. Hope you all had a great lunch and are ready to pull through a 3 hour lecture today. Let’s get started.”

Health class turned out to be a long and boring class. It took lots of effort for both of us to not get distracted and play tic tac toe throughout the lecture. I typed away trying not to fall off track and get distracted. Eventually, the three hours ended and everybody stood up simultaneously to make it out of the boring class and into the fresh Pittsburgh air. I stood up and threw my things in my backpack.

“Hey Scarlet, I was wondering if we could exchange numbers. We should hang out sometime?”

“Sure! Why not.”

We exchanged phones and I typed in my number in his phone, while he typed his in mine. Alisha was going to be super pumped once she finds out I finally have gotten his number. We both began walking out of class, as we made it into the clearing. I see Alisha carefully watching every move as we walk towards her. Her face read many different emotions. I felt my stomach drop as we got closer.


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