Question Challenge:

136 3 5

Not an update but I'll start working on that soon when I go on vacation.

I was tagged by Lauryn_UnionJ to do the question challenge.

The rules are:

- Post the rules

- Tag 13 people

- You can tag back

- Answer the 13 questions by the people who tagged you

- Answer in your book or in the comments below

1) Connor McDavid or Sidney Crosby?

That's a really good question, I love both hockey players. I go with Sidney Crosby since he's my first favourite hockey player.

2) What did you want to be when you were young?

I was all over the place when I was younger. I wanted to be a hockey player, play in the olympics, be a teacher, work in the military as a doctor to heal the injured, and doctor. The list goes on, now I've actually applied for phycology and nursing. Hopefully I get into nursing!

3) Donald Trump or Bernie Sanders?

I'm Canadian got no clue who Bernie Sanders is. Never kept up with American politics. However, I definitely not pick the racist fucker. 

4) Favourite book i've ever read?

Hands down the Harry Potter series!

5) Favourite celebrity crush?

Tom Hiddleston <3

6) Favourite body part?

My lips

7) Tattoos or Piercings?

I have a ear piercing on each side and no tattoos.

8) Have you ever watched Game of Thrones?

I watched the first episode since all the hype around it got me excited. By the end of the episode I was pretty much traumatized. Guess game of thrones isn't my thing.

9) The person who has influenced you the most?

He won't see this but my best friend and cousin. One of the strongest person I know personally. Also, my best friends Asma and Asiya have influenced and changed me for the better.

10) Best moment of 2016 so far?

Going to Dubai and Pakistan!

11) Ideal pizza

Honestly, I don't have much of a choice when it comes to pizza. I eat either cheese or veggie pizza. Thing is I'm not a huge fan of pizza so I don't really have much of an "ideal" pizza. Before I receive hate for not loving a pizza fan, at one point in my life I had severe allergies including to the smell of pizza. So, I've hadn't had much good experiences around pizza. 

12) Favourite hockey team? Or sports team if you don't watch hockey?

Pittsburgh Penguins, Calgary Flames, and the Habs.

13) Why are you so amazing?

Why thank you <3. Made my day I didn't realize to you I was amazing. I'm not sure how to answer this questions but I guess me being me makes me amazing. 

People I tag:

gallymonkey Gabi8787 GoldenGirlsRule Malka_Mania29 MrsConnorMcDavid97 Hawtrod riima18 Asiya_Beauty sierranevada17 aishasaid101MrsNugentHopkins Bonjour_belle2919 izzy3636

Your Questions Are:

1) Would you like to be famous? And in what way?

2) If you were to die in the next hour. How would you want the world remember for you?

3) What in life do you feel most grateful for?

4) If you could change one thing about the way you were raised, what would it be?

5) What is the greatest accomplishment of your life?

6) What are you looking forward to in 2016?

7) Best moment of 2016?

8) Who has inspired you the most and in what way?

9) What motivates you to get out of bed everyday?

10) Biggest accomplishment in your life?

11) What does friendship mean to you?

12) If you could choose one thing you are most passionate about, what would it be and why?

13) What would you like to study in university or currently are studying in uni?


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