Question Challenge II:

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Not an update but I'll start working on that soon when I go on vacation.

I was tagged by the amazing gallymonkey  to do the question challenge. If you don't know who she is drop everything and go follow her!!

The rules are:

- Post the rules

- Tag 13 people

- You can tag back

- Answer the 13 questions by the people who tagged you

- Answer in your book or in the comments below

People I tag are the same ones in my previous challenge with the same questions! 


1) What is your favourite book of all time?

Hands down the Harry Potter series.

2) What are your favourite NHL Teams?

The penguins and flames are mine but I also love the habs.

3) Where are you from? 


4) Leafs or Habs and why?

Habs hell yeah! Pfft why would I ever pick the leafs. 

5) Whats your favourite tv show?

Agents of Shield <3

6) Dylan Strome and Mitch Marner?

Ah damn I haven't followed either of them long enough to make this decision but I'll go with Strome.

7) What's your favourite song?

Well, right now it is In The End by Black Veil Brides <3

8) Have you ever wanted to travel somewhere? Where and why?

I've always wanted to go back to Dubai and see my cousins again because I miss those fugly losers.

9) Teen wolf or Vampire Diaries and why?

I've never watched either of them lol. Not much of a tv person.

10) Candy Canes or Candy Apples?


11) Tom Wilson or Andre Burakovsky?

I've been taking a break from hockey for personal reasons so I can't really answer this one since I haven't kept up with either of them.

12) Favourite hockey player and why?

Sidney Crosby since he's been my first favourite hockey player when I got introduced to hockey. But, I love geno more XD

13) Sid the Kid or Twinkle Toes Toews and why?

Sid the kid because he's a pretty great hockey player and he's one on my first favourite hockey players since I got introduced to hockey.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2016 ⏰

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