Prologue (2)

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Author's note:

Hey guys! So I was thinking about how to write this story, and I think we should add prologue 2! So its gonna be an IceWings POV! Hint: Not Winter, Sry! And, this prologue is before the other one, so its kinda messed up? So sorry! Also, again sorry for not posting! It's been a long time I know. I just was planning and also wrote another book, Qibli and Winters reactions to WOF ships! But I will continue writing this one! There WILL be some of my OCs in here. Now enough of me talking! Let's get on with the story! 

Snowfalls POV:

    They were at the Ice Palace, having a secret meeting. 

All of the first circle IceWings hated that Winter had let Foeslayer go. A NIGHTWING, out of all dragons. Most of them wanted revenge, for Winter, also the NightWings. 

Rumour was: Winter loved a NightWing, it was unknown who and which one, but just one.

Since Glacier died, Snowfall had been queen, and she could do whatever she wanted. No rank to whatever, she was the best and most respected IceWing. Queen was the best. 

But, being a queen at this particular time was harder. It was like another Foeslayer had come. However, for a useless dragon. But no one spies on the IceWings, the greatest, best tribe of all time. 

So the IceWings who wanted revenge formed a club, with the Snowfall, of course, in command. But the 2nd and 3rd in command were the dragons who knew that horrific IceWing the best. 

Tundra and Icicle. 

Hailstorm? NO. He would tell Winter right away. He was strong but unloyal. 

So they were stuck with those two. 

The only reason Snowfall still let Winter come back to the Ice Kingdom was so the others would not suspect them. 

"Snowfall.", snapped a voice.

"What", she snapped back. 

"Focus", Icicle said. 


"Heres the plan A, what do u think of it?, Tundra asked, "We knew hat Winter was a suck up dummie when he was born, but he never met any NightWings before going to Jade Mountain..."

"So we go to Jade Mountain?", Snowfall asked. 


"Thats not the best plan but fine. Although we need them to think we are different dragons and need a plan B" 

"The talons of power should give us a good disguise." 

"What?", Snowfall asked.

"Duh, that SandWing group trying to steal Thorns Throne, Icicle, said,  they put black hoods on, so dragons don't know it's them." 

"Then the dragons will think we are the talons of power."


"The NightWing must be in Jade Mountain." 

"But Winter wont be", Snowfall said, I saw the list of the IceWings going to Jade Mountain, Winters not there."

"But they could be faking the list", Tundra exclaimed. 

"But then we would see him there, so this plan should work.", Icicle thought aloud.

"What will we do after that?", Snowfall asked. 

"We could find those two, bring them back to the Ice Kingdom, and the NightWing will be the next Foeslayer in the Diamond Caves.", said one of the dragons behind them. 

"Think about that Polaris, what would we do with Winter?", asked Tundra

Polaris paused, then all the dragons knew what he was thinking about, "We kill him."

Authors note 2:

So! What do u guys think? Remember, this chapter was before the first one, just a bit messed up, but this will be the last prologue, I promise! If this chapter gets 6 votes, I will be posting tomorrow! Or else u may wait until Sunday...Mwahahahaha!


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