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Turtle's POV

It was a boring and normal day in JMA (Jade Mountain Academy), in history, with Webs talking on and on like he was daydreaming of history and telling them all of it. 

Turtle suddenly heard a big BANG somewhere in the school. Other students scrambled to see what happened, but Turtle thought, what if it's.- His thoughts cut off by a scream.  The other students ran back into the history cave. 

"Turtle, do you know what happened?" Ask a gentle voice of Moon. "No", he replied. Turtle saw that KInkajou was lime green. He rushed over to her. "What happened?" He asked Kinkajou. Before she could reply, Turtle could see for himself. 

Dragons swept in the history cave. A few dragons silently screamed. 

The talons of power, Turtle realized. The ones Qibli had described. "Run!" Someone screamed! Everyone ran out of the cave. An evil laugh came out of one of the talons. "Mwahahahaha! Don't you think you can escape from me! We don't want all of you, just the NightWings." The voice rumbled when it said NightWings. 

All NightWing eyes widened, all IceWings mouths gasped. "Silence." Snarled the voice. 

The turtle could not understand this. Why would the IceWings know about the Talons? The talons were SandWings. Not even much SandWings knew about them. Then why would they know? Could Queen Thorn told Queen Snowfall? Were the Talons already taken care of? Did they escape? Why did they need the NightWings? Turtle could not put the pieces together.    

He turned to Moon, whose eyes were open with shock and fear. 

Turtle really wanted to ask how Moon was doing and who were these dragons. Were they really the Talons of Power? 

Moon mouthed something to him. 

Suddenly and dragons moved. When they did, Turtle saw a pale, silvery blue and grey. 

Turtle nearly failed to cover his gasp.

Never, did SandWings have grey and blue scales. 

The only tribe that had those colours were.........IceWings.

Woo hoo! Cliff Hanger! I gonna post the second part of this prologue tomorrow if I can get to 4 followers today! And 10 views! Share it with your friend!

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