Chapter 2- What Happened?

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Hey guys! Sry for the late update! :( I got a little case of writer's block. Also, I was battling if I should make this Moon's PoV or Qibli's PoV. I think I might go with Qibli. Also, Ik that in the canon books Qibli goes with Moon back to Jade Mountain, but I might change it a bit. So in this fanfic, Qibli is still in Thorns Palace with Thorn. And, there is a BIT of Moonbli in here. But in the next chapter Winterwatcher is like BOOM! 

Qibli's PoV:  

Qibli was helping Thorn and Six-Claws in the Palace. 

While they were having a break, they heard a knock on the door. 

"I'll go see who it is", Six Claws said, getting up. 

QIbli and Thorn shrugged and then kept on doing what they were doing. 

Suddenly, Six Claws burst in the room with a dragon by his side. 

The dragon was not a SandWing. 

It was a NightWing. 

"Moon!", Qibli cried, immediately standing up. "Are you alright?" 

"Qibli", Moon sighed leaning on him. 

"What happened? Did you get hurt? Are you ok? Why arent you at Jade Mountain?", Qibli asked, thinking of all possibilities of what happened. 

"Qibli, Im alright.", Moon said

"Ahhh good.", Qibli sighed. 

"So why are you here?", he asked. 

"Can we talk privately", Moon replied. 

"Of course." 

Qibli and Moon went to another room, then sat down, waiting for Moon to start. 

"So, there were these dragons that broke in JMA.", Moon started

"What!?", Qibli cried. 

"Qibli let me finish."


"So then everyone was horrified. Kinkajou and Turtle were there too. Then-then I at first glance thought it was the talons of power,-"

"WHAT!?", Qibli yelled. 

"Qibli! They were not. I was going to read their minds. Their minds were very sharp. Which already gave me the clue what tribe they were from. Then, they told us they needed all of the NightWings, and if they gave the NightWings to them, they would leave us all unharmed. Then everyone started shrieking.  Then Tsunami and Clay came and rushed them away. Then everyone kinda settled down and yeah. But I knew I had to come over here and talk about it with you.", Moon finished. 

"Wanting the NightWings, having very sharp minds, that narrows it down to IceWings.", Qibli thought. 

"Yeah they were IceWings."

"This is very sus, like why would the IceWings want another war? When they just finished one? They would probably be battling the RainWings too, which like, one drop of venom POOF! Hmmmm...", Qibli wondered

For the rest of the day, Qibli and Moon kept writing notes, comparing them, then discussing other possibilities. 

But not one did really pair up. 

"Did you have a vision about it?", Qibli asked

"Nope", was the only reply from Moon.

Qibli had one more thing in mind, but he did not want to share it, he did not even want to think about it. 

That was, until Moon spoke up. 

"Qibli do you-do you think W-Winter is part of this?"

Another Cliff hanger! I might post the second part today, because i got it all planned, but I might not have time so if Im not adding a new part today, I will post it tomorrow or Thursday.    

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