Chapter 3-Who?

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Hey guys! So Winterwatcher romance time! A bit of Moonbli in the first part. A lot of Winterwatcher romance will be in these two chapters. Now for yall Moonbli shippers reading this (probably none), Moon won't dump Qibli, they will still be friends.   

Moon's PoV

  Qibli paused, looking at her with a little shocked expression. 

I should not have thought like that. I should have been thinking about my friends like that, Moon thought.

"Qibli-", Moon started

"Moon, I thought of that too. And I-and I th-think you-you-Moon-", Qibli stumbled.

"Qibli,", Moon started," You don't have to sputter it out, just tell me."  

Qibli sighed. "Alright then, I think you need to-to be with Winter instead." 

Moon paused. Startled. Why would Qibli do that? She thought.

"Why do you think that?", Moon asked. 

"Moon, he needs you, he's barely a dragon without you. I can see, the way he responds to letters, all that. Moon, please, he really needs you more.", Qibli said.

Moon thought about it. Moon was tempted to go with WInter, which really surprised her, but she knew she needed to comfort Qibli first. 


"Moon please.", Qibli begged.   

Moon paused, she now really knew how much Qibli was meaning. 

"Give me a day to think about it.", Moon said slowly. 

Qibli nodded. 

"And while i go think about it, I want you to clam down, and get back to normal.", Moon said. 

Qibli nodded again. 

"Go, Moon.", Qibli said, rushing her into a room. 

Moon blinked while Qibli quickly closed the door, leaving Moon in the room by herself. 

Moon saw there were a few scrolls on racks. She immediately wanted to go read it and calm down. 

No, I need to think, Moon thought. I need to think about who. 

For the full day, she thought and thought. Between Qibli or Winter. 

By the end of the day, she still could not choose one of them. 

She had a headache and was tired. 

She really wanted to read some scrolls.  

Just one, her mind wheeled. 

Alright, just one she decided.

But she could not focus on the words. 

With a sigh, she tucked the scroll and laid on her bed, and without another thought, she fell asleep. 

Sleep with a dream. 

She and Winter laughing in a forest. 

Qibli smiling at them, with another SandWing by his side.  

An IceWing near the age of seven, staring at her, with pure hatred.

Winter snarling at Moon. 

Winter fighting Qibli.

Winter stumbling back with a gasp. 

Winter battling three IceWings.

Qibli in a cage.  

IceWing blood on the floor. 

A dead corpse.  

She burst her eyes open, and she saw it was already morning. 

Was that a vision?

Who was dead?

Who has the IceWing?

I-I think that vision just showed me something, Moon thought, that I and Winter will be together, but still a close friend with Qibli.

And, someone will be dead. 

Moon sighed. She knew who to pick, she just needed to confess it to Qibli. 

She walked out of the room, preparing her words when she swung the door open and saw Qibli right there. 

"Qibli!", Moon cried. 

"Moon.", Qibli said. Moon could feel that he was much more relaxed than yesterday. 

"Have you thought about it yet?", Qibli asked, with a little un-usual bit of sadness in his voice. 

"Yes.", Moon replied. "And I-I think you are right."

Moon saw there was a bit of sadness that flowed in Qibli's face, but then quickly resolved by a little smile. 

"That's good.", was all he replied. 

"Qibli, can we still be friends, like this?", She asked. 

A bit of hope suddenly carved in Qibli's face.

"Of course.", he replied with a smile.  

"Now you ready to go to Sanctuary?"


"Well, so long Moon.", Qibli said with a smile. 

"So long, Qibli." 

After their goodbyes, Moon flew out the window, going to find the dragon she loved.  

Flying from the kingdom of sand to sanctuary was a long flight. Moon always had to stop after a while, so she would not suddenly drop out of the sky. 

After a lot of breaks and moaning, she finally saw Sanctuary, which gave a burst of speed to her wings. 

As she went there, she loudly yelled "WINTER!", hope for him to hear her. 

"Moon?", she heard the voice she had not heard in so long calling her name. 

"Winter!", Moon cried!

"What are you doing here?", he asked, with a flash of hope on his face. 

"I-I-I should have chosen you.", Moon started. 

Winter just stood there, shocked. 

"Did Qibli hurt you?", he asked, very sharply. 

"No! No Winter, no. He said I should be with you instead, and yeah, so here I am.", Moon answered. 

"Moon-Moon you don't have to do this.", Winter told her. 

"I want to do this.", Moon informed him. 

"Well then, I'm glad your here.", he said with a crooked smile. 

Moon smiled back, with the urge to hug him, Moon ran to him and felt the cool, blue scales touch hers. As she finally, understood what Qibli said.   

Woo! This chapter took a long time so yeah!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2021 ⏰

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