The Schizophrenic Study

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This has two other medias. I have a narrative, on my Short Thrillers book thingy, and a rather creepy painting and sketch. 

Hit me up if you want the painting, I am not sharing it unless someone wants it because it's creepy and features a clown. 


The Schizophrenic Study.

In the corners of his mind,

A darkness that creeps behind.

Creative could be worse for wear,

For he suffers, beyond repair.

Beyond repair, he quickly finds,

His mind looser than his binds.

Finding a light in his head,

He sees a path laid out instead.

All the creatures lurking around,

Suddenly they are completely bound.

He sits and details what he sees,

A masterpiece to put him at ease.

Nightmare Less, he goes to bed,

Monsters, no longer to dread.

Welcomed in his imagination,

A reason to be proud of his creation.

A devil quickly finds,

He is no match for those binds.

As his victim no longer could scare,

He sits and ponders in silent despair.

Demons flew in a hunt,

Bringing him back to confront.

What is wrong, was it He?

Learning that the human was key.

Craziness in some way,

Laziness, some would say.

He was chill for he was attune.

An advantage that he was immune.

Celebrations and acceptance.

Devil and demon pleasants.

For he had personality and past,

A good time, a family at last.

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