More than Meets the Eye

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TW: Suicide and Mentions of it.

If only you could Imply

Something to reply

Cross ones heart to hope to die

No one bats an eye

But as soon as they say, bye

People'll start to deny

Try and keep them nearby

Forcing 'em to comply

Saying no jokes, can petrify

But they don't catch the underlie

Nothing can justify

What people don't say, eye to eye

But as soon as they testify

Everyone asks, where and why

Saying don't cry

or that they're just shy

Cause no one cares to actually pry

They're all ready, ready to lie

But no one cares to verify

Ready to turn a blind eye

No thinking of those nearby

Until it's too late, to notify

You see their thoughts in amplify

Thoughts that could've been, run dry

And from then on, an eagle's eye

Now you know, Never. Say. Die.

You've learned, there's more that meets the eye

For you'd never tell, till they say goodbye.

Depressing PoemsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz