Resounding Melancholy

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A creative rendition of the abstract painting above.

Gathering around in shades of shadow.
Whispers shaping hues of warmth.
Spreading like wildfire,
the story passed around,
changing as it went.
The corners of blue not hearing the bright words,
stuck in little highlights of purple instead.
More detail was added,
louder the words became.
The wisps of sounds reach farther into the dark abyss of deaf ears.
The vibrant noise streaking across the crowd,
illuminating those it reaches.
Mixes of rich orange to warm purple.
Forgotten, were the corners,
who sat in silence.
Noise reaching out only so far.
A flame of yellow streaks the soft blues and purples,
the darker counterpart, left bare.
Splotches of random words,
soft whispers to screams.
The crowd of colors,
diverse as they come.
Layered until it is demanding a voice.
Forcing attention.
Calling for contrast.
A breach of warmth on a pallet of hopeful sorrow.

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