Chapter 1

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×Three Years Later×

Aiden groans as the sound of his alarm clock goes off, putting it out there it was time to get up. His hand slides out and hits the alarm on his phone, happy to stop the annoying beeping. Thinking he was going to get five more minutes of rest was a joke, slamming the door open, his overly loud roommate walks in.

"Get your ass up Aiden! It's time for school!" John walks over to the bed and yanks the blanket off of him.

"Ugh! But I don't wanna!" Aiden whines as John grabs his ankle and starts pulling him out of bed, literally.

"Do you think I want to go!? Hell no! But Wendy will have our arses if we are late!"

Aiden frowns into his pillow as he still holds it over his face, knowing John was right, Wendy WILL have their asses. Slowly but surely, Aiden gets out of bed and gets ready, vocalizing his sleepy aggravation.

"Yes yes, I'm well aware you're upset, and I don't like it just as much as you do." John sits on his bed, legs crossed as he watches Aiden comb his hair.

"Well jesus, who in the hell came up with starting school at seven thirty!?" Aiden sets the comb down and looks at his roommate.

"Who knows, you ready?" He stands up and walks over to the door, placing his hand on the handle as he looks back at his shorter friend.

"Yeah, let me get my bag." Aiden walks over to his small desk in the corner, grabbing his shoulder bag off of the back of the chair.

Sliding his phone into his sweater pocket, Aiden dragged his feet towards the door, glancing one last time as his bed.

I'll see you tonight love....

John rolls his blue eyes at the brunette, shaking his head. The two walk down the long hallway, every door leading to their classmates rooms. The two step out into the cold air of September, the location of the school didn't help with the cold weather either. Prince Hall sat onto of a hill in all its glory, allowing the people in the surrounding town to see it every day, its beauty drawing many tourists to come see it. Aiden however hated the places, it being filled with nothing but overly self induced asshole, except for John and Wendy of course.

"Jesus you two, I never thought you'd make!" Wendy walks up to them, her arms dramatically waving in the air. "Let's get to class already!"

Aiden and John look at each other, both frowning. Wendy was shorter than John, yet taller than Aiden, her long red hair reaching down to her waist. John was the tallest in the friend group with blonde hair, and Aiden being the shortest at 5'2. The three met each other on the first day of school, John and Aiden met in their dorm room, and then they met Wendy in the opening ceremony.

"Hey Aiden, got anything after school today?" Wendy asks, smiling at her friend as they walk down the hall.

"Of course he does, he's going to the garden, like always." John answers for him.

It's true, Aiden spent all the free time he got at the garden, or in his dorm room with his friends. Moving up here was a kick in the balls for him, or a culture shock as others may call it. Only luck allowed him to stumble upon the the gorgeous garden hidden behind the school, past the yard, and hidden behind the large green house. A small old man greeted him with a warm smile as Aiden had ran in, hoping to hide from a rugby player had started chasing him. The old man let him stay, and when Aiden saw he was planting some tulips, he asked if he could help, the old man more than delightfully smiled at him, saying how young ones never wanted to help anymore. Thus how Aiden and Scott, the gardener, became such close friends from then on.

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