Chp 6. Weasley

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It had been a few days since Ele and George had gotten intimate, they hadn't had much time to get close since Molly and Arthur came home, they've spent the days talking about quidditch, the twins joke shop and playing muggle board games, Once in a while George would make eye contact with Ele or give her a smile, He seemed to be a bit distance since his parents got home, she obviously understood why they couldn't get together since the house was more packed and there was no time to touch, they hadn't really told anyone what has been going on between each other and not to mention they're not even in a relationship, they just fucked around, after the thought had crossed Ele's mind, her emotions had dropped, she went quieter then usual, at any mention of George's name her stomach would turn making her feel queasy.


Molly: "So Fred and George, when are you planning to go back to your shop"

Fred: "Not soon, we've still got a week of summer vacation till we have to start working again" he replied

George: "Are you trying to get rid of us mum" he said sarcastically

Molly: "As a matter a fact yes I am, you two have been here long enough, messing up my home" She told with a fierce tone

Everyone went wide eyed and looked at each other, it wasn't long till they all burst out in giggles.

Hermione: "Eleanor, aren't you going to go work at the twins shop?"

It took Ele a moment to process what she had asked, Ele hadn't thought about it but she had applied for the Weasleys wizard wheezes to work there.

Ele: "Ye- yes, um I am going to work there after summer, it's just I haven't found a place to stay yet"

Fred: "Why don't you come stay with us at our lot in the shop Ele" He said coming up behind her

Ele: "Do you have room" she said raising her eyebrows at him

Fred: "Well of course" he had then leaned in and whispered into her ear, "you can stay in George's room"

Eles stomach had turned so much to what he said that she felt like puking. Did Fred know what had happened between her and George.

Ele sat in the armchair of the living room, reading a book and staying silent for the rest of the day. Hermione and Harry were teaching Ginny and Ron a muggle game called Rock Paper Scissors, Ele glanced at them a couple times to clue in. George and Fred were not around, they would go away to talk about some things alone multiple times during the day, Ele assumed it's about the shop. Molly was in the kitchen making dinner and Arthur was in his garage working on muggle stuff.


A loud bang came from the stairs

"FUCK MATE" a shout came from one of the twins

They both stumbled down from the stairs covered in soot

Molly: "WHAT IN MERLINS BEARD ARE YOU TWO DOING UP THERE!!"  Shouted their mother coming from the kitchen

George: "Fred set off a firework" He came letting out a cough

Fred: "It was an accident"

Molly: "THATS IT! YOU TWO OUT NOW! YOU CAN COME BACK WHEN DINNER IS READY" She shrilled pulling her twins by the ears and pushing them out the door.

Fred: "Mum it's raining out here"



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