Chapter 2.

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"Don't you dare take another step" I managed to muster after a few short breaths.

"What are going to do," they scoff, " hurt me? Please, as if you could lay a finger on me."

Now that I was close enough to study them. Seeing the figure, they looked like a boy, or a man. Their voice was deep, barely had an accent, they didn't seem they were from around here. They had more than just just a dagger on their back, no, they had an entire collection of weapons like throwing knives, and a sword tied to their side.  Looking more closely, I saw a small symbol on their sword , which looked like-

I was interrupted from my thoughts by the man in front of me.

He grabbed and pushed me to the wall, pinning me in place, I've never been in a situation like this, but didn't mean I wasn't prepared. 

I grabbed the inside of his arm, the part that was facing me, and twisted it, so he was facing the wall in front of me. I would normally stab him, and this was a really good position as well, but I decided against it, and let him go.

"Wow, you're unexpectedly good for a girl" he said as he turned to face me again.

"And you unexpectedly bad for an Assassin" I shot back.

His expression changed immediately. Oops, I might have hit a soft nerve.

"Where did you learn that." He asked in a monotone voice.

"Eh, it was mostly in the way you dress, and you think I wouldn't notice the symbol right on your sword?" I replied. I was familiar with his type. I knew about the creed, and maybe might've even considered joining, but I knew they would never accept a woman. Not that I'm saying I am scared of them, I just think I'm more of a lone "Assassin" 

"You know, you do have a lot of potential to become one with me. You have your weapon," he indicated to my blade. ",and you have skill. What else do you need?"

"An interest." with that being said, I ran off into the darkness, hoping I won't be followed again.

A/N: hiiiiiii! what do you think? I tried to portray Altaïr's personality as much as I could! let me know! <33

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