Chapter 4: Lila's Here!

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adrien's POV

I've been missing all the signals. All the hints. She's-

Suddenly Lila interrupts. "Bonjour, Adrien!"

"Why are you here?" I mumble. The last time I saw her she tried to hurt Ladybug.

"I wanted to comfort you," she responded in a genuinely kind way. I was shocked. No one had ever cared about me like that. I had friends, but usually, I helped them, not the other way around...
I walk up onto the steps, right in front of the door.

"Did you lie to get here?" I asked quietly so Nathalie wouldn't hear me.

"Nope. You can even ask your father. He let me in," She replied.
That was new. He had never let anyone into the house. Maybe he's changed.
We walk up to my room, as Lila tells me why exactly she's here.

"I've noticed you've always been... sad. Lonely. I want to change. I don't want to lie," She says, not very in character.
Maybe she has changed.

We get to my room so we're alone. I sort of expect her to change once my father doesn't have an eye on her. Weirdly she doesn't. Instead, she continues.

"I've lied because... I don't have a good or interesting life. What if people don't like me for who I really am?"

"I know how that feels," I think.

"My mother... didn't really pay attention to me. I was wondering if maybe we could help each other?"
Suddenly, for the first time in my life... I connect. I feel a connection with her. She wants to change. She wants to help.
No one in my life has ever wanted to comfort me.

Except for my mom... she's gone now.
No one has ever opened up to me like this.
We talk. I explain how I feel the same way. It feels really good. To get this out.

I won't forget what she did to Ladybug.

"I've seen you be rude to Ladybug... on the news and stuff."

Lila looks nervous.

"Well, I want to apologize. It's just... she hurt me. I don't know why. I wanted to hurt her. But it was wrong. I was wrong."
I can't accept the apology, but I'm happy that she finally realized this.
We walk to the park to get some fresh air.

My feelings are complicated.

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