Chapter 12: Be More Active, Marinette!

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author's note: this chapter takes place from a completely unbiased perspective. whenever you see "reader's POV" it just means third person.

reader's POV

Whether she liked it or not, Marinette had murdered her true love.

She tried to ignore it as much as possible. It wasn't an easy topic. Even if she hadn't murdered him, she still would be in denial. Any normal human would- loss is an incredibly tough subject.

Another thing she didn't like to admit is that she was never going to tell anyone what she experienced while she was akumatized.

Not even her parents. 

Not even her best friend.

Not even her true love.

Because she felt too much pleasure.

As Marinette sifted through her memories of Princess Justice, she felt pain and suffering of course. But the pain wasn't from her- it was from others. And what Marinette felt was pleasure. Pleasure from their pain, pleasure from their fear, pleasure from their sadness. She had a memory of innocent citizens running away in fear. The ethical response would be to feel bad she caused so much fear. But as Marinette replayed the memory in her head like a song stuck on repeat, she felt good.

And worst of all, she was sad it was merely ephemeral.

She missed this feeling. She missed the euphoria as she blasted a petite, brown-haired girl as she screamed and layed on the ground, crying.

She still felt horrible about Adrien. But when she replayed the horrid memory, something still made her happy. And that terrified Marinette more than anything.

I'm supposed to be a superhero, Marinette thought. I'm supposed to feel good when saving people from the villains. Yet now, when she thought of her glorious victories as Ladybug, she felt no happiness. It was as if someone had flipped her brain upside down, now working opposite.

As Marinette lay in her bed, these thoughts rushing through her mind making her heart pound and her body shiver, there was something she hadn't noticed.

She hadn't noticed her earrings.


No, she hadn't noticed the magical black earrings that she'd had for nearly a year now. She hadn't noticed the crack in them.

The crack, although the earrings were small, seemed rotten and dirty. It was as if it was left in dirt for a century and finally picked up only to be put through a hurricane. It was odd- these earrings hadn't gone through anything. During the entire time Marinette was Princess Justice, the earrings didn't get hit at all. Chat nearly grabbed them a few instances, but even the tips of his claws didn't reach her black earrings.

The earrings were also completely black.

No, not just the outside, but the metal. The silver metal that pierced through her ear was now black.

Marinette didn't think about her earrings at all. Since she hadn't seen Tikki, she assumed Tikki had taken the earrings to someone safe, like Master Fu. Marinette clearly didn't deserve the earrings anymore.

But as Marinette laid awake rolling back and forth in her light pink bed, she didn't notice the crack getting bigger and bigger, nearly breaking the earrings.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2021 ⏰

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