Chapter 10: Chat Noir V. Princess Justice (Part II)

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author's note: i waited until guiltrip for this-

adrien's POV

"I choose..."

I stop and think about this. I need something powerful, but not too powerful. Something that can destroy Princess Justice...

Or maybe, heal her. 

"She might be too powerful to defeat with force," I say to Master Fu. "We need the pig miraculous, the power of jubilation."

"Are you sure?" Master Fu asks me.

"Yes," I say, looking up to him. I take the anklet from the miracle box, knowing that Paris depends on me.

I look over at the sky. The sun is setting. A man runs past the alley with a terrified look in his eye. "Molly," He says, holding his phone to his ear. "Kiki... she..." I don't hear anything for a moment. "She's... in the hospital." There's a dead moment of silence. I can hear the faint cries from the two of them. Then, I hear a faint voice, but can't quite make out what they said. The man responds with, "The supervillain... got to her. I'm not sure if Ladybug and Chat Noir will be able to save us this time." Hearing someone lose hope in me... in us... hurts. Because I'm not sure if I'll be able to do this either. 

"Don't lose hope!" I say, coming out of the alley. "Sorry, I just overheard your conversation," I say with a shrug. "I think... that Ladybug and Chat Noir... will fix everything."

"Thank you..." The man says. He looks down and picks up the phone with a faint smile. As he's walking away, I can hear him say, "I think everything will be okay."

I hope.


I walk past the buildings, looking for a place to transform. Tons of people are hiding and running, so there isn't much space. 

"What about Master Fu?" Plagg asks.

"Oh, right," I respond. I run to the alley, but Master Fu is gone.

Well, at least I can transform here... I think. 

Well, this is it. I need to fight my closest friend... the girl I love... the most powerful supervillain I've ever fought. I need to save Paris for the people. For that guy and his family. For Marinette's family. For everyone worried about their loved ones. 

"Plagg, Daizzi, Unify!"

I jump out of the alley, hopping from building to building. I hear some civilians talk about me and wondering if it really is me, so I stop.

"Hey! People of Paris!" I yell. "Chat Noir will be here to save you! I promise everything will be just fine."

I run towards the huge blasts where Princess Justice must be. The police is already there. 

"Stand back!" I yell. "You'll get hurt!"

"It's been hours... and still no sign of Ladybug!" The head police officer says. "How will you defeat Princess Justice? People are being hurt. We need to take action."

He's not wrong, I think. I know I would try and take matters into my own hands if I wasn't Chat Noir.

"But... You don't have superpowers! This villain was created by a supervillain with powers. I do have powers, just, please stand back," I reason.

"Alright," He says. "But we will come back if you fail."

His words echo in my head. They're all depending on me.

Princess Justice, just a few feet away, notices me come out from the tree. I need to be patient. Wait for the right moment.

"Come here, kitty!" She says, about to hit me with her wand. I sit there, waiting for her to get close, and dodge her at the last moment. 

"Whoops! Looks like you missed me," I taunt, hoping to make her angrier. If she keeps coming at me with no strategy, I can use that as her weak point. Then, I'll use my present and hopefully show her that I genuinely care about her. She's not alone, and I didn't lie to her.

After a couple of rounds of misses from Princess Justice, I start trying to get closer to her. 

"Hey princess!" I shout to her, sliding down the tree. "Cats don't always get stuck in trees!"

"Good," She says. "This'll be more exciting."


We attack each other head-on. I try to dodge all her wand blasts and run up to her. Then, I jump over her, and her head follows. 

"Woah!" She yells, falling over. This is my chance!

"Present!" I shout, swinging my tambourine. Suddenly, a gift box appears. While Princess Justice is recovering, I open the present in front of her. There's a huge pink light, and I fall over, unable to see what Princess Justice is seeing. I see a slight smile on her face. I think it's working! Suddenly, the present disappears. 

"See, Princess Justice?" I say, hoping that the present power made her give up. "Adrien will always lo-"

Suddenly, she blasts me with her wand. Everything goes black. I'm struggling to breathe. 

"Is this... the end..." I barely manage to mutter. The blast hurts like hell. It feels like someone cut me in half. I can feel her taking my ring off, and blasting me once more. 

"I... love...y-" I try to say, but she interrupts my last words.

"Save it."

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