Sleepy Speaking

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New story!

Im thinking of putting it in the Watty Awards, but I'm not sure if I should...

Annd, if you werent already aware of this: I am going to be uploading more stories on wattpad that I have started, but not finished and I will have one posted called Vote Here. In the comments (if you choose to) you will leave the name of the story or stories you want me to finish in order from your favorite to least favorite if you choose more than one. I will continue with the top three or four, depending on how much of a responce I get. Be sure to vote for your favorite. Thanks :)

Honestly, I am in love with this story :)

Its really fun to write and I hope you guys enjoy it as much as I do :)


I looked at my mother, jaw dropped. "Are you serious?" 

  She grinned, "Completely. I figured it was time for a change and I thought I should surprise you."

I was so shocked, I mean I've been going to a private all-girls school my whole life, and she just informed me that she had enrolled me in public schooling last month so I could start at the beginning of the year with my friends; all of the girls who went to my school were stuck up, rich people from the next town over-the only reason I could afford to go there was because my uncle owns it.

  I looked up and saw my moms smile slowly slipping from her face. "I'm sorry, I thought you'd be happy about it sweetie. You always said you wanted to go to school with Jayce and..."

  "No mom! I am excited. I was just so shocked..." I squealed and ran up to hug her. Her shirt smelled like vanilla. "Thank you so much mom," I mumbled into her shirt.

  She chuckled, "Run along now Alex, go tell Jayce the great news. Speaking of Jayce, where is he? He never leaves..." she looked confused and if it wasn't Jay she was talking about I would have laughed. Its true; we live at each others houses as much as we do our own.

  Jay is my best friend, he goes to the public school and has always tried to get me to go there, but my mom wouldn't allow it until now. Jay's what most would call...a player, he's the most popular/wanted guy at his school and girls are practically falling over themselves to be noticed by him, but he finds it annoying and has never actually had a girlfriend. He's about a little over six feet with slightly wavy, dirty blond hair that falls into his forehead, blue eyes and muscles-but he's not overly-muscley. I don't think that's actually a word, but that's just how I describe him.

  "I think he went to grab some clothes-Oh! Speaking of clothes, I got some for you. I couldn't take you 'school clothes shopping' because it would have been to obvious when all you needed was a uniform and you already have plenty from last year."

  "Oh mom, you didn't have too," I said softly, knowing we probably couldn't afford it. Its not like we're poor, but we don't exactly have money to burn.

  She looked at me sternly, "Yes I did. No daughter of mine will be attending her first day at a new school in second hand clothes that don't fit right. You deserve better and if your old school didn't require uniforms you would have gotten this a lot sooner." 

  We were currently standing in the living room and she gestured for me to follow her into her bedroom. Once there she walked over to her closet and pulled out some bags, then she walked over to her bed and dumped them out.

  I gasped as I realized just how much she must have spent on all of this. "Your uncle helped pay," she explained.

  "Thank you mom," I whispered, hugging her once more. I didn't even need to look at the clothes to know they were beautiful; my mom has awesome taste in clothing.

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