(5) In Spite of Ourselves

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Heey, so this was acctually typed up right after the other one, but i was at my moms and couldnt upload it.

I have the next one typed, so that shouldnt be too long, a week maybe? This one was a week.

 Oh! Guess what? Im going on a week long vaca to visit a friend :D

Im so excited! 

Im not sure when its going to be though...

Anyway, Enjoy


  Around here the weather is usually really nice; warm summer weather, but because of that we occasionally get some pretty violent storms. One of which is being called for tonight.

  I suppose this is where I should admit my fear of storms, but…I’m not afraid. Psh, me? No. Never. Not even a little. Okay maybe. Just a little. Or a lot. I mean…Ahem, well they shock me. Yeah, shock. That works.

  We were on our way back from dropping off the kids and the sky was turning black and gray already. I looked up and moaned; I was hoping it wouldn’t come. The worst part was my mom was having company tonight because it was one of her coworkers birthdays and the place cancelled last minute, so they decided our place would work and her friends wanted to meet me, but Jay had to stay home because his cat was afraid of storms and his mom was afraid of his cat-especially when he is going crazy because he’s scared. 

  So basically I would be alone in the storm with a bunch of middle aged drunk women who would probably be louder than the storm.

  Jay looked over at me and rubbed my arm comfortingly, “Don’t worry, I have a plan.”

  I had no idea how we could possibly get out of this; mom said that they wanted me to spend the night with them, but I have faith in Jay and I’m sure he has an idea to get us out of this.


  “What do you mean your sick? You were fine earlier,” my mom said looking worried, confused and suspicious.

  “I know but Lucy had a cold and I ate too much popcorn and I feel terrible.” I spoke as though my sinuses were clogged up and held an arm over my stomach as though the popcorn made me nauseous.

  “Is it that bad? I mean Janet is a total a germ phobic and would run out screaming if she saw you…and it is her party…Would you mind staying at Jay’s? I’m sorry sweetie, it’s just that Janet wouldn’t even step foot in this house if you were here, so maybe you can spend another night with them.”

  I pretended to hesitate while biting my lip and turned to Jay, “Is that okay with you?”

  He seemed to think about it then nodded, “Yeah I don’t think my mom wanted to be alone tonight anyway.”

  My mom gasped, “Oh my gosh! OH MY GOSH! I’m a horrible person! I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to!” And with that she ran out the front door.

  Jay and I stared at the wide open door she failed to close upon flying out it and running to the side.

  I tilted my head, “Wha…? My mom is odd.” 

  Jay nodded, “That she is.”

  “So! How ‘bout we head over to your place?” I asked, trying to change the subject from my puzzling mother.

  “Sounds good.” 

  We left my house and shut the door unlike my mother only to find her running back in the house, “Its okay guys! I’m not a terrible person anymore! I fixed it like Bob the Builder, but better!” I think she was still talking but she was already in the house and we couldn’t hear her anymore.

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