(2) Shameless

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 *Dedicated to Meggreen for offering helpful advice and just reading my story :)  *

Okay, so I was going to upload this the other day, but nobody seems to have read it yet, so I guess it doesnt really matter if Im uploading....

Im hoping I get readers though, because I love this story and if nobodys reading it, Ill just delete it :(




When I woke up I had my head nuzzled in the right side of Jay's neck which meant that my whole body was on his as I was laying on his left, my lower body was covered by the blankets and I silently thanked Jay for that; he must've put them on us while I slept.


I tried to look up at his face; he always looks so peaceful while he's asleep. I kissed his neck lightly, but because I was tired my lips slipped a little more than I meant to, causing the kiss to be...more like a girl would give to her boyfriend. I paused, worried about his reaction, but all I heard was a gasp and looking up I realized that he was still asleep. My eyes drifted down slightly and I realized something; I was slightly on my side which meant that my boobs were in his face.




I tried to move so that he didn't wake up seeing that, but his arms were around my waist preventing me from moving-and they got tighter as soon as I tried. My arms were wrapped around his neck and I tried to get them free so I could move his arms, but as soon as I moved my hands his breathing changed and I paused. He didn't open his eyes yet, but I knew I woke him up. I cursed under my breath.


"Hey now, is that any way to start off the morning?" he said, his eyes still closed.


"No, you're right. It's not, so I'm just going to get up now..." I struggled but he held me even tighter which resulted in something...feminine of mine touching his face.


His eyes shot open immediately and he had an unreadable expression on his face as he froze, his eyes traveling over my body and up to my face. I slowly started to back up and his time he let me, so I moved off of him and lay beside him as he sat up, looking anywhere but at me.


I frowned; does he not want me near him...?


I decided to test that theory, and as soon as I scooted closer to him, he scooted to the edge of the bed. Frowning once more I moved beside him so that our side were touching and put my arm on his chest turning him towards me, resulting in him gasping.


I noticed that his eyes were squeezed shut and he seem to be mumbling something about... broccoli?


My forehead creased in confusion. "You hate broccoli." I stated.


He jumped, "Yeah, I know, that's the point."


I moved so that I was sitting criss-cross-apple-sauce, causing the blankets to fall off of my legs, but not worrying because I was wearing boy-cut underwear, and he was my best friend so it's not like he's going to perv on me. Then I turned so I was facing him. "Why are you talking about broccoli?" I asked slowly, still not understanding any of this.

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