(4) Cars 2

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*Dedicated to smileygirl1995, because her comment made me smile :)  *

Heey everybody! Happy Canada Day to all my Canadian readers! I just got back from the Canada Day celebration, it was so fun! There was cake and ballons and watermelon and a BBQ and live bands and games and contests and stickers and tattoos and...well, you get the point.

Just so you know, I typed about half of this on my phone because i couldnt get to my laptop which is why it wasnt uploaded earlier, but its here now.

Oh! and, i had a bit of writers block for a while there, I was trying to think of a more serious side for this story, but I still wanted it to be that fun(ny) story, so I didnt want anythig too serious so I decided this was how I would--youll see when you read it. And of course, there is Ally/Jay time ;P


  The last three weeks of school have been hectic and I still haven't found out who Jay likes-he refused to tell me or says, "You now you're my only love'" or, "You know you're the only girl for me." Please, I am obviously not talking friendship wise. It is so frustrating!

  I have finally gotten used to the public school and its odd schedule, but jay was right; it does make sense after a while. 

  The teachers are all pretty nice-no stereotypical grumpy teachers whose sole purpose is to torture kids. I actually really like a few of them, my English teacher in particular. 

  He is an older man, in his fifties I believe. Last year he took a lot of time off as his only child past away and he had no one left in his family except for three grandchildren who are absolutely adorable. 

  I guess I am considered a responsible, reliable student because he asked me to baby-sit for him numerous times and I have. He is so polite and considerate that I can't help but adore him! And he's hilarious, we get along wonderfully. The best thing is he doesn’t try to act ‘cool’ like a lot of older people. He is just himself. 

  His grandchildren are adorable as well; there is Lucy, who is three, Johnny, who is four, and Jamie, who is six. 

  The kids became very attached to me and he asked me if I would be willing to spend new time with them, so obviously I agreed. Today was the first day I was going to take them out and Jay was coming with us, he was just waiting in his car while I went in to get the kids. 

  I rang the doorbell once, and heard Lucy scream, "I get it! I get it!" and then the door opened with a still struggling Lucy jumping out at me (she had a hard time getting the door open).

  I couldn't help but smile, "Hey sweetie." She wrapped herself around my waist in seconds and was hugging me. 

  "I misses you," she mumbled.

  "Aw, I missed you to Pookie." Yeah, I began calling her Pookie because we watched hardwood together and she was wrapped around me like a Teddy bear the whole time (Garfield's Teddy bear is named Pookie).

  She smiled and slid around to my hip as I walked inside. 

  I saw Mr. Evans walking down towards us. "Hey, could you come in the kitchen for a minute?"

  I nodded, "Sure thing. Why don't you go get your brothers Lucy?"

  I set her down and she ran off to get them while I followed Mr. Evans to the kitchen and took a seat across from him.

  Jay probably thinks I got kidnapped or something, I thought. 

  "I just wanted to thank you," he began, "these kids, they have no motherly or even simply female figure in their life-parental or not-and to see them so attached to you, it's amazing, I can't even describe how happy it makes me to know that they have a woman to look up to. I can't thank you enough for what you’re doing. They have been through a lot and there are sown things they need a younger person for, someone to run around and play with them. Someone to be there. Some who understands how the female brain works, because I sure as hell don't!" he let out a little chuckle. "I just... I'm not going to be here forever and they need you. I...thank you."

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