(3) Hot and Cold

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*Dedicated to vaslisafouette13 because she is the one who got me to continue this story*

I promised that I would continue this story and I will, Im sorry that I kept you waiting but, my uncle passed and my other uncle who is currently in the hospital took a turn for the worst and to top it all off my Grandma took a stroke and is in the same hospital. I have a huge family, but Im pretty sure if she doesnt make it, my family is going to fall apart. 

Sorry, Im just upset right now, I dont mean to upset any of you guys, so..

This is chpter three!

I had most of it typed a looonnngg time ago, but I didnt have the chance to finish it and update it.

But, its finally up! Im not really sure if I like the way the beginning is worded. I'll probably go back and fix it later(speaking of which, I didnt get to edit it yet, so please excuse any errors-feel free to point them out).



  Have you ever had to be the new kid? If so, then you know what it’s like. If not, let me give you a brief comparison/simile: Being the new kid is like diving into a building full of snakes, and you don’t know which ones are poisonous.

  Take Anna for example, she looks like an Anaconda; intimidating, but not poisonous. But as we all learned when we were young, you should never judge a book by its cover; she is really a Copperhead, nice at first, but venomous when threatened, or a last line of defence.

  Apparently I am considered a threat to her because I am friends with Jay and he is hers. I happen to know for a fact that he hates her. Freshman year she came on to him at lunch time in front of the entire school and he rejected her, which should have made her back off, right? Wrong. She’s relentless. Now before you say that he was being harsh or insensitive, he wasn’t; they made out at a party one time and she got too clingy, started calling him her soul mate and told him she loved him and couldn’t wait to get married with children.

  Tell me that isn’t crazy.

  Anyways, the point of that analogy is that I am lucky, because I didn’t really have to go through the whole thing-I have Jay who showed me who to steer clear of and most people knew who I was before I knew them anyways.


  The song Firework by Katy Perry started playing and this time it didn’t shock me as much as before. I picked up my binder and shoved it in my book bag.

  Jay, who had been sitting beside me, slung his book bag over his right shoulder, grabbed mine and held it in his right hand and put his left arm around my shoulders, giving me a smile.

 I looked up at him, “You don’t have to carry it for me,” 

  He grinned, “I know, but I’m just nice like that.”

  I chuckled and leaned my head into his cheast, glad that it was finally lunch time.

 We dropped our book bags in the main mall (the area in the main doors) and started walking, “Hey Jay?”

  He looked down at me, “Where are we going?”

  He chuckled, “To get something to eat.”

  I frowned and bit my lip, “But…I didn’t bring my money with me; it’s in my locker.”

  “I know.” He stated, “Im paying.”

  “You don’t have to do that Jay,”

  “What? Buy a pretty girl lunch? I think that should be okay,” he smiled.

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