(💚Mercy) Saving Their Souls

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A/n: here it is there's most likely going to be no chapters next week because i have tests

How am i 12 is a huge fandom and eight hundred reads as always i have nothing to say but lets get on with it

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How am i 12 is a huge fandom and eight hundred reads as always i have nothing to say but lets get on with it

Your P.O.V.
And then the darkness in your soul is overwhelmed by kindness, kindness is taking its true form

You: "Asriel this'nt like you"Asriel: "what do you know about me"You: "i know you have been hurt but the ones that care about you will accept you, you dont need to keep on going"Asriel: "YOU DONT KNOW HOW IT FEELS LIKE HAVING NO FEELINGS"You: "but...

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You: "Asriel this'nt like you"
Asriel: "what do you know about me"
You: "i know you have been hurt but the ones that care about you will accept you, you dont need to keep on going"
You: "but i know we can fix this"
Asriel: "the reason im doing this is to go back to the ways it were once before i just want to see mom,and dad and feel again"
You: "it appears i need to knock some sense into you"

Fight 💛SAVE Item Mercy
You call out to the human souls
You see a little girl with ballet shoes and a ballet skirt with pixels covering her face
You get attacked by ballet shoes and music
You take every hit
Your mother cares about you and accepts you im sure she can make time for you
the pixels clear and she thanks you with a hug
You see asriel getting weaker
Fight 💛SAVE Item Mercy
You reach out amd see a boy with a revolver and a cowboy hat his face covered with pixels
He attacks with his revolver
Boy: "i do whats right for others"
You: "do whats right for you than focus on others"
The pixels fade
Boy: "thanks partner go get her"
He heals with a flower
Asriel seems to be tearing up
Fight 💛SAVE Item Mercy
You reach out and see a boy with glasses and a diary with the same pixels
Boy: "i will keep going no matter what"
He attacks with words that would discourage people
You: "other people care about let you be you"
The pixels fade once more
Boy: "thank you i cant do much but take these"
He gives you words of encoragement
Asriel: "stop this STOP"
You keep on going because you are filled with HOPE
Fight 💛SAVE Item Mercy
You reach out and see a girl with a apron and frying pan with the same pixels as the others
Girl: "i cant do anything right"
She attacks with fire from her pan
You: "dont let others get to you belive in yourself and dont let others get to you"
The pixels fade
Girl: "thank you im sure these will help"
She gives you multiple eggs that keep you going
You return to asriel
Asriel: "why cant you just leave me be and STOP"
You cant do that as you are filled with HOPE
Fight 💛SAVE Item Mercy
You reach out and see a boy with a bandanna and orange gloves
Boy: "people cant understand me"
He attacks with multiple gloves
You: "there are many people in the world that are just like you"
The pixels fade away
Boy: "thank you for your kind words of encouragement"
He gives you a thumbs up
You return to asriel and his power is fading so he returns to a fraction of his power
Asriel: "stop things were'nt supposed to go this way"
Fight 💛SAVE Item Mercy
You reach out and you see a young girl with a toy knife and a faded ribbon with pixels covering it once more
Girl: "why cant daddy come back for me"
She attacks like the others with the knives you get hit a few times but its nothing to you
You: "im sure your dad cares about you but just got lost"
The pixels fade away
Girl: "thank you take this and do your strongest"
She gave you a band-aid
You return to asriel once more he has one more soul left and its someone you really care about
Fight 💛SAVE Item Mercy
You reach out for one last time and
You see your brother with the same pixels covering his face like the others
Adrian: "can you and mom stop fighting"
He attacks with tears and you take every single hit
You: "see how well you have gotten at fighting"
He smiles for a bit but it turns back into a frown
You: "me and mom cant fight anymore because shes dead so show the real you"
The pixels fade for the last time
He gives you a hug and he heals you with bells
You return to asriel who was forced to turn into his child form once again but you knew you had to save someone else
Asriel: "so i will have to result to plan B then alright your funeral"
He absorbs Frisk and Chara's souls
Fight 💛SAVE Item Mercy
You reach out and see frisk with pixels covering her face
Frisk: "i have to do this for the ones i care about im sorry for this"
She attacks using sticks and save points
You: "this is'nt like you where is the Frisk that cares for others and never fights"
The pixels fade
Frisk: "well what are you waiting for"
All the souls: "go get her"
You blush intensly and return to asriel one last time
Fight 💛SAVE Item Mercy
You reach out and see chara but with pixels covering her face
Chara: "Go away idiot all you do is ruin things for me"
She attacks with knives and you get hit multiple times
You: "this is not you chara, where is the chara that makes me smile"
The pixels fade a bit but return again
You: "where is the chara that i know that stays determined"
The pixels fade but still cover the main parts of her face
You: "Where is the chara that loves chocolate"
The pixels fade again but still cover her eyes
You run up to her and kiss her
The pixels fade and she melts into it
After awhile you both let go
Chara: "huh i did'nt know you would return my feelings but go findh him off i will be waiting"

Asriel: "why did you have to ruin everything"
Fight 💛SAVE Item Mercy
Asriel: "why are you trying to save me i dont deserve to be saved"
You keep on trying to SAVE him because you are filled with HOPE
You: "Asriel things may be different but there are still the same people that love and care about you"
He unleahes the last of his power but you dont give up HOPE
You: "Asriel your mom, and dad are waiting lets go"
Asriel: "what about the souls"
You: "im sure Gaster can make you a new one"
Asriel: "you mean i could feel again"
You: "only if you come with us"
He finally gives in and stops fighting
Asriel: "oh no"
You: "what"
Asriel: "When i was a flower i put bombs all over the building in case my plan failed the bombs will go off any second now"
You: "then lets get outta here"
You get out of the void and you are back at the warehouse again
Everyone is uncounscious
You pick up everyone with your telekinesis and run out the building
Police cheif: "drop everyone and put your hands in the air"
You: "bombs are going to be set off take cover"
Everyone takes cover and you use your hope sheild to block the blast and thats the last thing you remember
A/n: what a chapter well this took me awhile but no chapters this week because of tests so i hope this makes up for it the Total Word Count Is: 1317 words and as always
C yaa laters

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