(Sub-chapter) The tale of Hope and Insanity (Extended Fight Ending)

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Insanity's P.O.V.
I sit down in my cave my life has gone to complete sh*t the government is looking for me i completly lost my chance with making a child and they probably hate me for killing their entire family
Insanity: "why cant i just die"
I bang my head against the wall but it does'nt work im too powerful to die the only person who can rival and kill me is Hope
Wait a minute how does the story go again this kid in my head wont stop bugging me how i killed all their friends
Badly made impersonation: "Wahh wahh wahh my body got taken away in my anger and almost all my friends are dead"
Kinda feel bad for this kid but it had to happen
Now the tale was

There was once two brothers both living and controlling the universe, they were like life and death, the yin and the yang, darkness and light one coundnt exist without the other. Eventually their life span would soon come to an end and they needed to have and offspring to rebith as their children but they were no women in sight they both died. But one day there was a woman who was kidnapped by cultists, these cultists worshipped the two brothers and put their eccence in the womans soon to be born child the mother would die at birth her soul trapped in a gem and would soon reveil herself to her child sixteen years later still stuck in the jewl. The two brothers would be in the boys soul without him noticing the Dark brother Insanity would soon grow tired of waiting and make darkness in the boys soul Hope to combat this fought against Insanity in the boys soul to fight back the corroption. Soon there would be a massive outburst of hatred which overpowered Hope as Insanity grew stronger then there was imense sadness which made them both stop fighting and grow concern for the boy. Then There was a new Timeline created that one was where Hope won  and overpowerd Insanity and showed the boy his new soul. And the other the boy had mass amounts of hatred for someone which helped Insanity eradicate Hope. The timeline where hope was eradicated is the one im living in now and soon i need to have a proper offspring or i would fade away again.

You know waht f*ck it i'll try hanging myself maybe that will work. I went ahead and BORROWED rope from a store and went to a tree next to a bridge

I tied the noose and was about to jump in it until
???: "Y'noW KIllIng YouRseLf wiLl MAke thingS HarDEr"
I pull out my katana and turn to see a skelloten with gliches covering his body
Insanity: "who are you"
Error: "i aM ErRor ANd i cAn HelP yOu WitH yoUr sItuatiOn"
Insanity: "you know about the Tale of Hope and Insanity"
Error: "yES anD iF yOU joIn Me i Can GEt yoU to ChaRa iN rEtUrn YoU HelP mE"
He stretches his hand out to make the deal
I stretch out mine and shake it saying
Insanity: "deal"

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