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A/n: hello there just a quick reminder that the qna is still reciving questions in order to send me questions you either have to
1. Comment (i will see it and mark it down easiest but most likely will go unoticed)
2. Reply to my announcment in my message board (i will most definitly see it)
3. Message me (this will take time as i have to respond back to you that your question made it in)
And thats it now enough of this and lets get to the chapter you all have been waiting for

Ink's P.O.V.

What a nice kid then dream came out of nowhere
Dream: "listen the evil sans'es they are gone from their universe's and i saw them heading towards a specific original universe"
I hope it not his
Ink: "what Timeline"
Dream: "#570 the one where you made a new creation"
Ink: "sh*t we need to get G classic is at his universe and Y/n can hold them off for a bit"
I open a portal to EchoTale and go in i hope Y/n can hold them off long enough

Your P.O.V.
I get sent crashing into a wall
Insanity me is doing one hell of a good job of killing me
Asriel is handling Nightmare but he wont hold them for long Sans is dealing with Error while Chara is handling Horror pretty well never knew how well she could fight lile that
<i am going to refer Insanity you just to Insanity for time reasons>
Insanity: "aww thats cute cant even handle five minutes with me and i thought you were tough you're just a dumb pacifist a stupid pacifist who cant save their friends from death"
You "you are right other me i am just a pacifist"
Insanity: "of course im right now die"
He charges a beam of what appears to be shatterd hopes and dreams
Youv "and you know what i have been through alot in the past five days six hours and twenty four minutes and twenty seven and a half seconds and if i have learned anything during that time its just you are who you are"
Insanity: "thats right now hold still while i charge this up for ya"
You stand up
You: "and no amount of magic, or soul combat, or someother third thing can make me anything more then who i really am inside, a pacifist"
Insanity: "yeah thats great now sit back down"
You: "but thats okay" you had a microphone connected to the labs speakers
Insanity: "hmm what,whats going on"
Youv "because i did what everyone said a kid couldnt do, i made it to the warehouse, and i convinced Asriel to stop fighting, and i got knocked out cold five times this week, and i made my soul shine its true colors
At this point everyone is looking at you both
Insanity: "aight we get the point"
You: "so yeah im a pacifist, and im also a monster hugger, and a man of culture, and a dork"
Your soul was glowing brightly
Insanity: "whats going on"
You/Insanity: "but most of all im, im, im/okay settle down, take it easy, what the fuuuuu"
Insanity was sent flying
you: "im done DONE NOT FIGHTING"
You speed towards Insanity

Insanity's P.O.V.
What the hell is that
*Battle transition
Done not fighting
Fight 🖤Act Item Mercy
🖤Check *taunt
Y/n: done not fighting Atk-70,000
Def- 100,000
He punches me away from the traditional battle and forces an overworld battle
Im not losing to this goody two shoes
I take out my katana while slowly charging my attack
He also takes out a weapon its similar to the chaos saber but has a star on the end
We both clash while he completly demolishes me and breaks my weapon and reduced to fists
I cover my fists with a black flame the same one i used to kill my father

Your P.O.V.
I unveil my ultimate weapon the starbreaker
we each clash and he is preparing something he is weaker then me and his katana gets cut by my sword
He has a expression of fear and surprise and he covers his fists with a black flame
Insanity: "guys focus on this guy i need help"
Error: "YoU nEedIng Help MuST be StrOnG"
Horror: "guys i think this is a bad idea and we should fall back"
Nightmare remains quiet and he attcks with multiple bones and blasters Horror does the same but with sharp bones Insanity unleashes his beam of undeacency and Error attacks with his strings
And i blast it all away
Their expression is priceless but then turn pissed off
Insanity: "cmon guys lets show him our trump card"
They all fuse and turn into a monstrosity beyond omega flowey

Ink And Dream finally arrive with G
You: "about damn time"
Ink: "sorry got caught in what the hell is that thing"
Dream: "knowing my bro he probaby made it or is a part of it"
G: "i dont really wanna be here so lets get this over with"
Ink Dream and G take out their strongest blasters while you unleash your beam of good vibes once more
The evil sans'es charge a beam from their mouth that rivals yours
The beams rival each other not obe being stronger than the other but then classic sans and gaster came next to you
Sans/gaster: "need help"
Gaster take out the blaster they used in the void and Sans brings out millions of regular ones
Yours and the others beam start to overpower the other one as it slowly takes over
The thought of Chara crosses your mind and the beam grows in strength and it goes through the evil Sans'es unfusing them
It leaves a hole in the ground revealing lines of code that come out
Ink: "thats not good"
You: "definitly"
Dream: "the timeline has been broken its going to need mass amounts of soul energy to patch that"
G: "im outta here i never wanted to be here"
G leaves <somehow>
You turn to Insanity who was on the ground
You: "Insanity listen if we dont fix that hole the entire universe will erase itself in order to not spread it"
Insanity: "im not helping especially after what happened"
Ink: "your universe is gone Error erased it do you want another inoccent universe to die"
Dream: "do you want chara to die"
Insanity: "fine"

You fuse with insanity and become powerful enough to seal the hole but Insanity is slowly getting wiped away
Insanity: "listen Hope or Y/n im going in there to seal it from the inside have the last of my power, take care of chara for me okay"
You: "goodbye Y/n it was good knowing what having a sibling is like"
Adrian cries in the corner

And just like that everything was fixed
The evil sans'es went back to their universe and you went on to your normal life again but now after fusing with Insanity's soul you can turn into Insanity And Hope

A/n What a chapter this was tough 1,230 words in total and remember to leave your question the qna is coming soon and as always
C yaa laters

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