Meeting her

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A/n: see that image thats me currently me oh well time to get on with it
Your P.O.V.
"So who is your homeroom small one" 
"actually its you and i don't know where your class is can i go with you"
"Of course follow me" as you followed you asked questions
"so who is in your class ms. Toriel"
"Well i have very few students due to humans not trusting monsters so its only a class with monsters and my children" As you walk the crystal talked to you using its mind reading powers and telepathy

'Why didnt you kill them they deserved to die all of them deserve to die'
'Whats your deal you show up in my dreams and say that i am the perfect host and you latch onto me like a parasite and why do you need me if you're as powerful as a god'
'I need a host to help me rule along side me to help me get aquainted with this world also like that flower said your soul is special there is none like it i come from far away from this simple town and your soul is the only way i can live without you i would'nt be here i would have just died off your soul is basically life support for me in simpler terms oh and pay attention we have arrived at our destination'
'Okay google maps'
'Shut up before i eat your soul alive and manifest physically'
'Okay but what do i call you since we are basically attached'
'Idk man'
'Okay i will think of one soon'
A/N: (Im going to lets you guys decide on a name for the spirit inhabiting the  phantom ruby and let me know if you want a chapter dedicated on the backstory for them)

"Little one we are here lets head inside now and get you at a table"
"Alright class we have a new student now and it may be a human but lets be nice to them now Y/N can you introduce yourself"
"Hey im Y/N and i hope to be good friends" i said scowering the room looking at my classmates and possibly future friends and then i landed my eyes on her she was beautiful but i didnt want to stare so i just looked at the ground again.
"Alright you can sit at the table with the two humans and yellow monster"
I walked to the back if the classroom where the table was and took a seat and put my things in my spot
"Hello im frisk i hope we can be great friend this is chara and monster kid or mk for short" Frisk
"Okay well im Y/N i also hope we can be great friends" you
"Yo dude wanna hang with us or do you have some other friends to hang with" mk
"Actually you are my first friends everyone else i met would just ignore me" you
"Well atleast we didnt ignore you hey chara you should talk to the human so they feel comfortable with us" mk
'So this is the 'chara' the ruby told me about lets see if we can be friends'
"Mk you know i dont talk to humans especially after what i was put through" chara
"What were you put through im sure i can understand" you
"I'll tell you during lunch i dont want to get mom angry" chara

A/N: Alright i know i said i would do the bio next but forgot i said that and i just realized it after i finished the chapter so next chapter definitly and let me know what name the spirit should have i have decided on a few names it will be like a voting system the name with the most replies to it will be choosen and this affects the gender as well choose wisely.

Name 1: warren

Name 2: rachel

Name 3: arron

Name 4: tina

Something Hidden Female chara x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now