Love Conquers All- The Final

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July 22, 2023

Dearest Toya Hyungnim, 

This is me, Suho, your little prince! Remember? When I was so stubborn at 7, I went to my friend's birthday, without telling mom. You were scolded so badly. I felt bad that time. We saved each other that time and you cooked me pancakes. Those were the days. Now this Suho is not a little boy anymore. I always dream of having you as my older brother. It happened. I married Sana, your sister. Such a waste, I am sure you will be happy to see our twins.

Momo, my eldest is like Sana. She is outspoken, sassy but sometimes naive. My youngest Kio is like me. We are both quiet and quite bookish too. We share the same love in books. Many things happened after you passed away. Princess Ahyumee married uncle Joon. Hye Seong is now a photographer and in a relationship with Princess Erika. I almost got died. Your sister is now a princess. I am already a father and a husband.

My mom set papa free, they decided to divorce. Mom is no longer the queen. But I admire Ms. Kim, even papa wants to marry her. She refuses, and tries to patch things up with mom. They are now having weekend coffee afternoons. Now papa, the king is now focus on  his duties to the crown. I also graduated in Jong San Royal College with a degree on Political Science.

While Sana finished a 2 year fashion design and marketing course. She is now making and design clothes. She was part of the Seoul Fashion Week. Her muse is no other than "Mini Sana" a.k.a  Momo. 

I want to thank you, you came to my life and made me happy. Even I am a grown adult now. I will always be your little prince.

Your brother-in-law,


Crown Prince Suho is visiting the  grave of his brother-in-law this afternoon. It is Toya's birthday. Meanwhile he heard Sana calling him. 

"Ya! Your highness!" she smiles and went towards the grave of her brother.

"Aish, hyungnim! I brought the cleaning rug with me." Sana said playfully. She wipes the grave of his brother. 

"Why are you cleaning hyungnim's grave?" he asks her.

"Well, I always clean his statue at Jeju. So I will also do the same to his grave." she explains and continue cleaning it.

"PAPA!!!' Momo came out from the car and joins them. She is holding an ice cream on her right hand. While Kio follows along and drinking from bottled water.

"Momo and Kio, I want you to meet your Uncle Toya." Sana tells them. The twins look at the grave and the picture of their uncle.

"Wow! Uncle looks so cute!" Momo said happily. Kio nods his head and agrees too.

Momo and Kio pray together and talked to their uncle Toya with their minds.

After praying, the Shin family will be on their way to visit former Queen Yoon at Incheon Grand Villages. 

Suho tells Sana an exciting news.

"Sana ah, you want to visit your statue?" he asks her.

Sana is confused

"What statue? I have my own statue?" she asks him and he laughs so hard. He gets his phone from his pocket. His mother-in-law took a picture of Sana's statue.

A statue as identical as his brother's The villagers made it and believed like her brother.

She is the epitome of love!

Sana felt embarrassed, but she decided to laugh it and said "Let's visit my statue on Sunday"

She is always making fun of her brother's statue. Now she has her own, makes her embarrassed.

Love Conquers All (Suho and Sana) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now