The Escape

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Afternoon at Coffee Mornings 3pm

Princess Erika is waiting for Sana at the table 45. She is holding the Hangul translated letter from the mute maid. She is drinking a cup of cappuccino. She took a rest from jetlagged. She arrived at SK at 3am. She will be in the country until Sunday. She is invited for a charity evening later. 

"Your royal highness!" Sana called her and Erika turns her head around.

The soon-to-be crown princess bows her head to pay respect to the Mongolian princess.

"Thank you for accepting my invitation." Erika thanks her.

"Coffee?" she asks Sana.

Sana shook her head and orders for a tea instead.

"First thing's first, congratulations to your upcoming wedding with Prince Hye Seong." she congratulated her meekly.

Erika gets an envelope from her bag and a USB.

"Please read the letter now. Read it with your eyes only."  she tells her.

Sana was about to utter a word. But Erika looks at her firmly and giving her a signal that her bodyguards are listening.

Sana opens the letter with no hesitations. She reads it through her eyes only.

Dear Princess Ahyumee

I am Lady Chimeg, a Mongolian maid serving the royal family for 40 years.

Your highness, let me tell you a story. It was a sunny day of June 14 of 1995, 3pm. I was assigned at Gwangbokgoong Palace in SK. I was sent there to give you the chrysanthemum necklace. That day, I will never forget.

The man, Minatozaki Toya, your beloved, a soldier of South Korean was dead.

Declared dead by 10pm. I am very sorry, I was tricked. I thought your father, the emperor wants to kill him. But it turns out, it was a hoax. 

A little boy told me that our country wants to kill him.  I cannot tell it into details here in the letter. I provided a witness letter for Princess Erika's reference. 

That boy is no other than, the second son of Emperor Shin.

Prince Hye Seong. 

He tricked me, the SK soldiers and our men to kill him.

It was too late! An innocent life was taken. I have no idea what the reason was. The only thing I heard, Toya is the brother of the future crown princess, Sana. I don't want to repeat the same mistake once again. I failed to rescue her brother. This time, I will save his sister! No matter what happens! She should not marry the man who tricked people and killed her brother.

This is my number, 0948992331.

Thank you.

Sana wasn't able to speak even a word. What she just read was so horrible


All this time,  it was Hye Seong, he tricked people to kill her brother!


Sana can't help it! She starts to cry. Erika felt horrible about herself.

"I am sorry, Sana!" she apologizes. She thinks that this is too early.

She hugs Sana tightly. Actually, this is her first time talking with her. Their first encounter. She comforted Sana.


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