2 Hotel Transylvania

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My last flight finally ended! As I walked through the airport, I realized, I don't speak any Romanian. I don't think I'll need it, because I see a lot of tourists. I saw a man in a suit, that had a jack-o-lantern for a head holding up a sign with my name. Maybe they're really in to Halloween? "Excuse me, sir, my name is Laura Van Helsing,"

"Perfect," a very deep voice replied, "do you want me to take your bags?"

"I can mange,"

"Follow me," He lead me to the parking lot where and to this weird looking car, it wasn't a herse, but it was similar to one. I sat in the back with growing anxiety, my watch, which was still on the other time zone read 9:45, meaning once I arrived at my aunts I am calling Quigley.


So the driver is taking me to a creepy castle, I am scared for my life because we just past some haunted woods. I am going to die at thirteen, I will never see Quigley again, I'll never see Mr. and Mrs. Quagmire, nor Isadora or Duncan. We pulled up, and there was another guy with a pumpkin head which I'm starting to believe isn't a mask. It looks like a ...hotel? "Welcome to Hotel Transylvania, I'm Mavis Dracula, you must be Laura," A woman who looked like she was in her late twenties greeted. Wait, Dracula? "Hello," I said slowly.

"You must be exhausted from your trip, I'll show you to your room and you can freshen up a little," I nodded in response.

We were in the elevator, Mavis informed me that I would see my aunt in about an hour for dinner. "Is there a phone I can make an international call on?"

"Yes, there is one in your room, with instructions, I figured you had some friends you'd want to inform of your safe arrival,"

"May I ask a personal question?"

"Ask away,"

"You said your last name was Dracula-"

"Yes, my father is Count Dracula, the vampire, but don't worry, we don't drink the blood of humans,"


"And we're here, there is also a map of the hotel on your bedside table, if you want to explore," Mavis told me, I thanked her and entered my room. I dialed the Quagmire's home phone number. "This is Karen Quagmire,"

"Hello, Karen, it's Laura,"

"Laura! How was your flights?"

"They were okay, I didn't really sleep thanks to your son,"

"What did Quigley do, now?"

I giggled over the phone, "nothing, it's Duncan,"

"What did he do?"

"Slipped the novel Dracula into my bag with a note on the cover saying 'have fun with the vampires,'"

"Duncan Isadora Quagmire! Get over here now," I heard them talking, and the phone moving. "Hello, Hello, Hello dead one,"

"SO You may have been right," I told him.

"What? Wait, vampires are real?"

"See for yourself next month, I just met Count Dracula's daughter,"

"We have got to jailbreak you,"


"Wait until Quigley hears about this,

"Don't tell your handsome boyfriend, what?" Quigley's voice echoed over the line.
"Hello, Quigley, can I just say your hair looks amazing today,"

"We're talking over the phone, L, what's going on?"
"Soooo, I may or may not be living in a hotel with vampires and other monsters,"

"What? I'm flying there right now, see you in twenty-four hours,"


"Fine, be careful, don't die on me, see you in about four weeks,"

"Okay, bye,"

"Bye," The line disconnected. Wait, vampires, can we let the soak in for a minute. I should probably change out of the clothes I have been wearing for the last twenty-seven hours. I opened my suitcase on the velvety duvet, I can't wait to sleep. There was a small box with an envelope.
Dearest Laura,
By the time you will read this you are probably with your aunt or your in the airport and decided to change into your sweats. I have this feeling like we'll never see each other again. Here is something so you won't forget me, remember our first date? Ice skating in the middle of the city. Wasn't that also our first kiss? If I do see you again, which I wish with my whole heart, when I see you in this necklace I will know you haven't moved on from me. I promise I will see you again, I cannot leave, not without you.
Quigley Quagmire

I opened the box, it was a glorious snowflake necklace, I put it on immediately. I will always remember that day in the city, less than six months ago. 


I found the restaurant very easily, I walked in and saw a goblin. "Hello, do you have a reservation, Miss..."

"Van Helsing, Laura Van Helsing,"

"Oh, you're Ericka's great niece," the Goblin replied. 

Nervously, I nodded. All sorts of creatures were dining in the restaurant, I saw a giant fly, a fat mummy, and Frankenstein? "I heard you live in Canada, there aren't any monsters there are there?"

"No, sir,"

"Don't be afraid, follow me, I'll take you to your aunt. Where in Canada do you live?"

"It's a small city, you probably haven't heard of it, but it's very old-fashioned, why I haven't even seen a cell-phone before today, it's a few hours away from Winnipeg,"

"You will get along perfectly with Dracula, he doesn't know how to work any of the new technology ether,"

"Dracula? The vampire?" I questioned, the Goblin gave no response.

"You and your new family are dinning in here tonight, Miss Ericka thought dinning in the restaurant would be too big of a step considering your past week and your past life," The Goblin told me leading me down the hall to a stone door. I opened the door as the Goblin went away, "how strange," I whispered entering the room. 

"Laura! You've grown so much since I last saw you!" a woman exclaimed, oddly familiar...

"Aunt Ericka?" 

♡𝐍𝐎𝐓 𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐇𝐎𝐔𝐓 𝐘𝐎𝐔♡ -Quigley QuagmireWhere stories live. Discover now