6 Reunited

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I slowly opened my eyes, the events of last night came running in my mind. Quigley is alive and here. I felt someone's arm around me, over the duvet, and I turned to see Quigley Quagmire peacefully sleeping next to me, laying over the duvet. I laid back down, not wanting to leave this position. A day ago, I thought he was dead, and now, I'm laying in Quigley's arms. "Good morning, L," his sleep- drunken voice greeted.
"Good morning, Q," 

"Isadora and Duncan should be here in approximently three days,"

"How? Weren't they kidnapped?"

"They escaped Count Olaf in a Self Sustaining Hot Air Mobile Home, I hope you don't mind but they found the Baudelaires too, and they are all coming,"
"The Baudelaires?"

"Their friends from boarding school. Issy has a crush on Klaus," he paused for a moment, "yes you do Issy. You forget I can read your thoughts," I sat up and looked at him with a confused look, and then felt his head for a fever, "I said that bit aloud, huh?"

"Isadora and I have this thing called twin telepathy, we can read each others thoughts, by the way, Isa says 'hi, and you could do so much better than me,' That was rude Isadora DUNCAN Quagmire,"

"Surprisingly, this is not the weirdest thing I've heard or seen."
"Me too. Oh and because I feel like bullying Isadora, Laura have I mentioned how much I love you? Like more that cartography, or anything in this planet. And now she is ignoring me for Klaus, wow, very mature, Duncan,"

"Make a couplet about what's going on with her right now,"
"AWW lil' sis's first kiss and I heard every thought/ and I can't believe you think Klaus is hot. She said my couplet was worse that the scones Duncan made the night you found out about the fire,"

"You mean the scones we pretended to eat but we threw them away because they were triggering a gag reflex by the smell,"
"Yes, those,"

I got up out of bed and went over to the mirror, I was still wearing the dress from last night, and my hair was a disaster. I pulled the remaining few pins out, and the hair tie, making my hair fall to about my elbows. There was no possible way to fix my fair without just washing it, so I pulled it into a pony tail. "Okay, fine, get out of bed, be productive, whatever," Quigley mumbled.

"What do you want from room service? I don't have the mental capacity to go downstairs," I asked Quigley.

"I dunno, where is the menu?" Quigley asked, I turned on the TV. "woah, what is that?"
"Welcome to the future. This is what a television looks like, one that isn't a million years old. Oh and movies now are in color,"

"I know," I pressed the menu on the TV.
"Witchcraft," Quigley said, looking at me with wide eyes, "the world is so different than the city,"

"Yeah," I sat back down on the bed, "I have something for you," I told him, taking the small box off the nightstand. "Laura-"
"Just open it,"

Quigley did so, and his eyes grew wide when he saw the compass, I pulled the chain out from my dress, making the snowflake icon known. "It matches my necklace," I told him. He opened the compass.

"I-I don't know what to say-"

"How about, 'I love you Laura,' 'You're the best girlfriend ever, Laura,-" I was interrupted by Quigley silencing me with a kiss. "I love you, Laura Katelyn Van Helsing,"
"I love you, Quigleforth Quitin Quagmire,"
"Good Evening, Aunt Erikica, this is my boyfriend, Quigley," Laura introduced.
"Nice to meet you Quigley. Where are you two heading?"

"We are going to go into town,"

"Fun, will you guys be back by dinner?"
"We will be, but Quigley hasn't been around monsters before,"

"It should be just us, Dennis and Winnie are going on a date tonight, other than Martha, Mavis and Dracula,"
"We'll be there," Quigley told the woman, and Quigley and Laura exited the hotel, as every monster walked by, Quigley gripped onto Laura's hand tighter. "Hey, Laura, was it? We kind of got off to a rough start earlier, do you want to maybe go to Quasimodo's later?"

"James, meet my boyfriend, Quigley,"
"Nice to meet you, what type of monster are you, vampire?"
"Human," Quigley answered, "nice to meet you as well,"

"If you don't mind, or even if you do, Quigley and I haven't seen each other in a while, so we are going to go into town and catch up. Good bye," I lead Quigley out the door. "Who's that?"
"A drunk flirt,"

"Okay then, how has life been without your handsome boyfriend?"

"I'm sorry I kept my death hidden from you, I didn't want to risk your life,"

"My life?"

"There are some bad people out there, L. Our parents' deaths weren't accidents,"

"I know, Esme Squalor burned down your house, the sinister duo burned down mine,"

"You know?" He asked, stopping and looking at me.

"Yeah, you didn't?" I asked, and then kept walking, Quigley caught up to me. 

"Of course I know, but I just didn't think that you knew,"

"I've known from the beginning, about VFD that is,"

"Your parents were a part of it? They told you?"

"My parents hardly cared about my existence, I'm talking about Mary, she was a part of it," Mary was my nanny, I've always had a close relationship with her, until a few weeks before the fire when she mysteriously disappeared. Quigley gave me a small smile and he intertwined our fingers. 


A few days later, a giant hot air balloon landed near the hotel. What the actual- 

"Laura! Quigley!" Isadora exclaimed running over to us. 

"Quigley?" Duncan questioned, "you were here the whole time?" 

"Sure," Quigley responded, letting go of may hand to give his siblings a hug. 

"Allow me to introduce you to the Baudelaires," Isadora said in a mocking voice. "This is Klaus-"

"Wow, you're even nerdier than I imagined,"

"You've met me before, Quigley," Klaus said, very annoyed.

"I haven't, nice to meet you, Klaus," I said politely. 

"She's not that polite, I swear," Duncan said. 

"Whatever, Isadora," 

"Take that back!"

"And these are Klaus's sisters, Violet and Sunny," Isadora introduced. 

"Quig!" Sunny, a toddler, exclaimed running over to him and giving him a huge hug. It was adorable. 

"Nice to meet you, Violet," I told the older girl. 

"Nice to meet you as well, Quigley wouldn't shut up about you on Mortmain Mountain," I blushed a little. "Do you have a telegram machine? There is someone I need to send a message to right away," 

"Violet and Ben sitting in-" Duncan began singing and then Violet hit him. "Yeah okay, I'll stop,"

"We have a phone, do you know this person's number?"

"By heart," Violet replied. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2021 ⏰

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♡𝐍𝐎𝐓 𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐇𝐎𝐔𝐓 𝐘𝐎𝐔♡ -Quigley QuagmireWhere stories live. Discover now