4 Meanwhile, with Quigley

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So I have made a decision regarding ships in this book. There will be Kladora and then I am going to bring Ben (he was this character in the Ersatz Elevator that was mentioned once) into the story, and he will be with Violet, and then we are going to find Duncan someone in Transylvania. I will not have Dunclet because it goes against my moral values as a person.

Quigley's POV

I was currently hiding in an abandoned mansion eating canned peaches.

I wonder if everyone thinks I'm dead. 

Well, thoughts with Quigley Quagmire at three in the morning. All I want to do is call Laura, tell her I'm alive and I love her. 'No Quigley, she's asleep, and she thinks you are dead,' I hope she didn't move on from me. I hope I'll see her again, and with the snowflake necklace too. Oh and my siblings, I guess I hope they are fine, I mean maybe, just maybe. Wait. I can contact Isa, I forgot about our telepathy. ISADORA DUNCAN QUAGMIRE

What the hell do you freaking want at three freaking o'clock in the freaking morning you dumb ugly moron?

Missed you too, sis.

Wait, Quigley, you are alive? Or is this one of the those dream things where you warn me of something from Hell?

I'm alive, I guarantee on Laura's life.

On Laura's life? Wow, you really are alive.

Where are you?

Some horrid school, called 'Prufrock Prep.'

Sucks to be you. I'm in an abandoned mansion eating canned peaches. How is Laura?

I talked to her on the phone the other day, she seemed depressed, but fine. 

Do you think I could pass for Duncan?

What are you up to now?

Well, I thinking, I go to Mr. Poe-

I'm going to stop you right there, the only reason Duncan and I get to go to Transylvania is because of his secretary, Jacqueline.


Quigley, I swear, if I get a call from Jacqueline saying Duncan is in the city, I will murder you myself, there are people after us, and the fire wasn't an accident.

Yeah no shit Sherlock 

You also know about the cult too, don't you?


the tattoo?


the eye

it's everywhere

I'm done talking to you, good night.

Good night sis, and who is Klaus Elwyn Baudelaire?


I can read your thoughts, he seems like a bookworm, Isa you could do so much better. You like him? Isadora, *insert disappointed look*

okay, that's enough of reading my thoughts, bye loser.


Laura POV

I'm bored. I'm bored. I'm bored. I'm bored. I'm bored. I'm bored. "Hey, Laura, want to go shopping?" Martha asks me, I jump up off the couch in the lobby of the hotel. 

"Yes, of course,"

"I think we should get you a cell-phone, as our first stop," Mavis told me, coming over. 

"Wait, a real phone? I don't even know how to work one,"

"It's not that hard," 

"And we need to get our dresses for the summer fair!" Martha exclaimed.

"The Summer fair?"

"Oh it's this party all the teenagers go to, it's on the rooftop, everyone stays up until sunrise on the first day of summer." Mavis explained.

"But the first day of summer isn't until June 21st,"

"We celebrate it on May 20th,"

"Oh, even though-'

"It's not the actual first day, I know. Anyways, that gives us a month to find the perfect outfits, the theme this year is the night sky,"

"Wait is today already the twentieth?"


"Oh," I responded, the triplet's birthdays were in four days, and mine is in ten. I was struggling without Quigley, but I can't imagine what the Quagmire's would feel, turning fourteen without their triplet or Karen or Quitin. We walked past a cartography store, which made my heart drop to my stomach, I can't believe he is gone. I looked at the compass in the window and sighed.

I will always love you Quigley.


You didn't actually think I'd leave you there?

I saw the compass in the window, it was beautiful, and it had snowflake engravings on it. "Why would they put a winter item on display in the spring?" Martha questioned. 

"I don't know," I sighed, the store was closed, meaning, I would have to come back during the day. "And we have made it to Apple!" Mavis exclaimed at the very modern building in the middle of vintage buildings.  


"Happy birthday to you!Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday Isadora Duncan, happy birthday to you!" I sang, hollered over the phone.

"Thank you!" Isadora and Duncan exclaimed at the same time, "and to Quigley!" Isadora exclaimed. 

"Where ever he is now," I added, looking down at the compass I had gotten a couple of days ago, I put it on my nightstand, it was a sort of comfort, "how has your day been?"

"Fine, Isadora keeps weirdly staring at walls, Laura, I'm scared, she's doing it again,"

"I'm telepathically communicating with Quigley," Isadora said.

"Oh yeah, why can't I do it then?" Duncan asked.

"Oh Dennis,"


"Oh, Danny,"

"Still Duncan,"




"See what I'm dealing with Laura?" Duncan asked her, "anyways, it was nice talking to you, but we have to get off the phone,"

"Bye Isadora, bye Duncan,"


"Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear Laura, happy birthday to you!" I smiled as I blew out the candles on the cake, I wish that Quigley is here with me, but I know that will never come true. 

Who knows? Maybe his ghost will come freak me out at three. 

♡𝐍𝐎𝐓 𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐇𝐎𝐔𝐓 𝐘𝐎𝐔♡ -Quigley QuagmireWhere stories live. Discover now