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A/N warning, at the end of this chapter there are some dark thoughts that go through Laura's mind. I'll a bold border when we're at that point.

"Nice to meet you," A very pale man greeted as my Aunt Ericka guided me to the dinner table, "you must be Laura," he had a very thick accent. 

"Nice to meet you as well, you are?"

"Dracula, Count Dracula," He replied taking a sip of his, I'm hoping, wine. I took a deep breath, to gain courage. "How do you do?"

"Just fine, and you?" 

"A little tired from the journey, but fine," Mavis also came in the room with a man with messy red hair, someone about ten years older than me, he looked very similar to the man, and then a girl about my age, that was a closer resemblance to Mavis. "Laura, this is my husband, Johnny, my son Dennis, and my daughter, Martha,"

"Nice to meet you all,"

"B-T-W I'm also human, so if you want to form a support group for people kidnapped by the Draculas-"

"As I remember, I tried to get you to leave many times," Dracula said.

"Dad, Mom wanted to move to California, but you said you like it better here," Martha said.

"So, no to 911?" I joked. Everyone sat down at the table.

"That's a pretty necklace, where did you get it?" Mavis told her.

"Thank you, it was a gift from my boyfriend,"
"What's his name?" Ericka asked.

"Quigley Quagmire,"


So dinner was kind of boring, but now I know monsters are not in the slightest scary. I mean angry Isadora to Duncan seems scarier. I spent the next few days wandering the hotel. It was about midnight when the phone rang. "Good Morning!" I exclaimed over the phone.

"Did I wake you?" Quigley's voice asked.

"No, I've been up since eight,"

"AM or PM?"

"I'm living with the vampires,"

"Well that puts us on similar time schedules,"

"Yeah, isn't great? Anyways, what's up?"

"I missed your voice, I missed you, Laura I-I"

"Yes, Quigley?"

"I'd rather tell you in person, I don't know what I was thinking calling you,"

"I missed you too, we'll see each other soon, it's only two weeks,"

"And a half,"

"And a half,"

"Bye, Laura," The line disconnected. What was that all about? I'll question him when he gets her. "Laura, we're going into town, want to come?" Martha asked me. 

"Yeah, let me get ready first, I'll meet you guys in the lobby," I told her as she nodded and left the room. 


"Transylvania is so beautiful!" I exclaimed, we we are walking through the streets, being that this was a monster town, everything was open. "We should take a picture and then we can turn it into a postcard to send to your friends back home," Martha suggested.

"That's a good idea,"

"That's a good idea,"

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♡𝐍𝐎𝐓 𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐇𝐎𝐔𝐓 𝐘𝐎𝐔♡ -Quigley QuagmireWhere stories live. Discover now