Chapter 6: Aftershow

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??? POV-

It's about 7 am in the morning when I wake up.

George should be gone by now.

I walk over to my wardrobe and put on nothing special, just normal everyday wear.

I then walk to my kitchen and grab a snack, then going to my front door and grabbing my keys, heading out and towards my car.

Once I reach my car I unlock it and jump in, starting it up.

Once it's started I start driving away and towards Freddy Fazbear's Pizza.

I drive for a little bit, thinking about future things.

Soon enough I'm at the Pizzeria, I smile a bit and get out of my car once I've parked, seeing George's car missing.

As it should be.

I lock my car back and make my way to the front doors of the Pizzeria.

Seeing the animatronics through the window and I smile brightly.

I open the doors and walk in, seeing the hand of Sapnap twitch slightly.

"I'm back" I say out.

I see Dream start to move slightly.

"Hey Mike, took you long enough" Dream says.

"Good to see you too Dream" I roll my eyes and lock the front doors.

"Oh hey Mike!" Bad says happily.

"Why are you always so cheerful? It's disgusting." Sapnap says to Bad.

Dream sees Bad frown and says,

"He's just in a bad mood don't listen to him Bad." Dream said.

"Why is he in a bad mood?" I ask walking up to them.

"This fucking new security guard, George." Sapnap says angrily.

"What did he say Sapnap?" I ask curiously.

"He's like, "Couldn't get me could ya? Oh right you can't talk" He says mimicking George.

"He said it TEASINGLY, oh how much I wanted to punch him right there and then, and I almost did but I forgot I couldn't and now my hand is sort of broken..." He said sort of guiltily.

"Don't be guilty Sapnap come on" I say and walk off, him following.

I go to the supply closet, grabbing some tools and facing Sapnap.

"Stand still" I say and he nods.

I open a little patch on his arm, revealing all the wires and tech things built into him.

I slowly start rearranging the wires, trying not to hurt Sapnap, using my tools on his arm.

Once I finish I close the patch back and put my tools away.

"Next time don't move Sapnap, restrain yourself okay?" I say politely.

"Okay..." I smile at that and lead him back towards the stage.

"Okay so Dream, I'll need you tonight ok? make sure you try your best, we need him." I smile evilly.

"Even if he makes it to night 5 he'll have to get past Nightmare, but most people don't even last to night 5, and if they do they usually can't even pass Nightmare" Dream smiles.

"Alright, Sapnap keep doing what you're doing, love it, Dream you are the leader for a reason, try your best, and Bad...go harder on him okay? don't get me wrong you're doing great but be more...hardcore you know? be less.....easy on him?" I say and Bad nods understandably.

"Okay wonderful, now that you all have it I'm going to go talk to Fundy real quick then I'll be on my way, be good" I say and walk off towards Fundy's cove.

I get to his cove and open the curtains, seeing him smiling at me.

"Hello Fundy" I say to him.

"Hello Mike!" He says back.

"Okay so you're doing an amazing job, try to move more often so when he's not on the camera just constantly move a little bit ok?" I say and he nods.

"Alright! Keep being great!" I say and he smiles.

I close the curtain and hear a quick scream from the stage.

Oh my god, seriously?-

I run up to the stage and see Dream on top of Sapnap.

"Hey! Off now!" I say and run up to them, pulling Dream off of Sapnap.

"He started it!" Dream sad quickly.

"NO he did!" Sapnap retorted.

"Sometimes I wish you two would GROW UP!" I yell out.

"Now, what happened?" I ask.

I hear them both start talking at the same time, not being able to hear over one another.

"Sapnap, first" I say quickly ending the fast gibberish being spoken by both of them.

"Well Dream-" Sapnap started.

"HEY you started that, that was not my fault!" Dream retaliated.

"Guys STOP! you're going to make Bad CRY! you both are old enough to KNOW he is sensitive to loud noises! and crying will make him glitch out!" I say once I see Bad watching with fear in his eyes.

Both of them look over at Bad, guilt starting to come off when Bad sniffles a little bit.

"I'm sorry Bad...and I'm sorry Sapnap.." Dream says quickly.

"I'm also sorry Bad...and sorry Dream.." Sapnap says and they both hug Bad, I smile.

"Okay thank you guys, now don't be like this tonight okay? please cooperate and behave?" I ask desperately.

"We promise!" Dream and Sapnap say in sync, Bad just nodding.

"Alright well I will be on my way now, goodbye guys!" I say loud enough so that Fundy can hear.

"Bye!!" I hear from everyone, including Fundy.

I smile and walk away and to the front doors, opening them and walking out to my car.

I open the car door and hop in, starting the car.

While driving away I look at the window and see Dream, Sapnap, and Bad all on the stage, I smile and drive out onto the road, towards my house.


-1063 words

For anyone who doesn't get this chapter here is an explanaton: (SPOILER WARNING IF YOU DON'T WANT IT THEN LEAVE- NEXT CHAPTER....GO...!..)

This is supposed to be from Mike's POV, ya know the guy who got George this job? yeah that guy.

And after George leaves everyday at around 6:30 am, he comes at around 7 am ish and tells the animatronics instructions or simply just stops by to say hello.

YES he is a antagonist, and for people who don't know who that is that is the technical bad guy of the story, he is not a good guy but may seem like it.

OKAY thats all for now :] have a great day/night!

-Kenzie <3

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