Chapter 8: Night 3

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Okay so I changed it a bit to where I dont say, ex. "Cam 1A" I just say Stage, if that helps anyone.

George's POV-

I continue looking at him for a few moments, just wondering what he's thinking about.

I look at one of the wall clocks momentarily only to see, 11:18 pm, on it.

I look back to Dream and sigh, looking away from him and walking to my office area.

I hear footsteps behind me and quickly turn only to see nothing but the animatronics on stage, as inanimate as ever.

They dont come alive before midnight,..right?......right??!


I look back in the general direction of the office, which is where I was originally heading.

I start walking cautiously towards the office.

This night, then 2 others...I've survived 2 already, c'mon George, you got this...

I take a short breath in before I blew it out in an instant to being startled when I felt a presence behind me.

I turn around though...but nothing is there...

Wait- that felt exactly like earlier- when I thought something was behind me..

"Who's there!?" I yell out, checking the time again.

11:26 pm, it read.

"What the fuck..?" I mutter to myself.

I continue walking to the office, well, sprint-walking you could say.

Once I finally reach the office I quickly sat down in my chair.

Something isn't just isn't..

I continue sitting around for a while, just waiting for midnight to arrive.


Midnight...fuck okay here we go..

I start by looking at Cam 1A, not seeing any difference yet, which is great.

I check all the other like normal but, no movement yet.

I go to check the time and see 12:06 am..

That's least one animatronic would've moved by now.

I check Cam 1A not too long afterwards, checking if any have moved now, surprisingly staying somewhat calm.

Well...that is until I see Dream is gone...

"So he does move..!?" I mutter to myself.

Where are you...

I think while checking all the Cameras, eventually seeing Dream at the Dining Area, I sigh in slight relief.

"So why are you so special again.?" I say to myself while leaning back into my chair a little bit.

After a about a minute I go back to the cameras, which I pretty much regret instantly, considering Bad, Sapnap, and Dream moved, even Fundy moved slightly.

Now I'm trying to find where everyone is.

I see Bad is now at the Dining Area, I mentally exhale out of relief he didn't get that far and go onto finding Dream and Sapnap.

I looked and found Sapnap at the West Hall...again.

This guy is really trying to get me holy shit...what does he have against me?

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