Train Ride

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Hermione's second year train ride.


She had walked up and down the train three full times, and she still couldn't find them! She was beginning to feel really worried, having seen both the twins and Ginny get on late, she wondered if her boys hadn't made the train at all? On her fourth pass through, she poked her head into a compartment where Ginny and another first year with dirty blonde hair were sitting, and asked, "Hello, you're Ron's sister right?"

They had never been properly introduced of course, but the Weasley hair was distinguishable enough, as well as Ron having mentioned his sister starting this year. Hermione only knew her name through passing. The girl did look up and around though, having been writing in a black diary sitting in her lap, but upon seeing her she smiled shyly and said, "Yes. Are you Hermione?"

Hermione smiled, pleased Ron had obviously mentioned her enough his younger sister had recognized her, and she nodded and said, "Yes. Have you seen Ron, or Harry? I can't find them on the train?"

Ginny looked puzzled, but shook her head and said, "No. Mum told them to come onto the platform after the two of us. I never saw them get on, but Mom said not to worry about it, they probably just got their own compartment."

Hermione nodded, excused herself and began making her way down the train again. She stopped when she found the twins in another compartment with their friend Lee, and a few other Gryffindor boys in their fourth year. However, their conversation went much the same way. After another run about on the train, she finally admitted she must be missing them in the crowd, something she doubted but had no other explanation for. They might have even been wandering the train looking for her, and they had simply been missing each other, something she really doubted. With no other explanation though, she made her way back to Ginny's compartment, and sat down to talk to those two girls the rest of the ride.

Harry and Ron never came for her though, and she didn't start hearing the rumors until they were getting out of the carriages at school.

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